Master of the Evil Eye. Pt 2

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 Kurama sped towards the dock with Yuna on his back. The air rushed past them in a near-deafening roar. She almost couldn't believe the speed they were going. Watching as buildings and parks whizzed by, it was a wonder how no one saw them. As they grew closer to their destination the two's apprehension grew.

Anxiety quickly flared up in Yuna's chest as she felt Hiei's aura emanate from the warehouse that came into view. Her brother's presence hit her senses causing her anxiety to grow and mix with worry. Raising one of her hands that was wrapped around Kurama's shoulder, she pointed ahead at the warehouse.

"They're both in there!"

As he set her down, Yuna nearly buckled under the pressure of Hiei's overwhelming aura as it visibly encompassed the building. Kurama spoke softly next to her.

"This powerful demonic energy... Hiei finally showed his true form!"

With a quick tug on her hand, the two managed to get into the building.

"Do you only know how to jump you little jerk?!"

Her brother's voice rang out, making it easier to find his location in the maze of crates and palettes. The closer they got the more Yuna could make out their argument. Panic gripped her when they arrived and found Yusuke suspended in the air. The familiar situation reminded her eerily of what she did to her father, making her body freeze.

Across from Yusuke was a green-skinned and eye-covered Hiei. With a tight grip on the Shadow sword, he thrust forward.


A scream tore through her throat when in place of her brother, she saw Kurama take the blow.


"Wh-what? Kurama? What is the meaning of this!?"

The redhead refused to answer, instead, he grasped the blade, cutting the palm of his hand. Using Hiei's momentary confusion, he threw the small, pooled blood into the demon's eyes. With a burst of courage, Yuna followed suit, extending her hands out and threw the blinded man further into the warehouse.

Yusuke looked down at himself when his feet hit the ground.

"The curse is gone!"

Kurama nodded as he kept his eyes trained in the direction Hiei had been thrown. The redhead was quick to supply the teen detective with some well-needed information on his current opponent.

"Yes, the eyes across Hiei's body are merely decorations. The real source of his power stems from the one on his forehead."

As he said this, Kurama began to slowly pull out the Shadow sword from his stomach and continued speaking.

"We came to repay the favour from last time. As for the girl... Leave her to me. Yuna will help you with Hiei."

Yusuke, upon seeing this, was quick to reprimand the demon about moving with the wound to his abdomen.

"Urameshi, you forget that I am a demon. I won't kick the bucket just like that. You need to finish Hiei before he recovers his Jagan powers."

"Kurama... Wait, what the hell do you mean Yuna will help me? She can't be involved in this!"

The black-haired teen whipped his around to stare at his baby sister, who was barely standing due to her shaking legs. Despite her frightened and frazzled appearance, there was a forced hardness in her eyes. He could tell that his usually scaredy-cat sister was using out every ounce of bravery to even stand.

"Don't worry Yusuke... I can help!" The bluenette forced a shaky smile.

Before the delinquent could retort their conversation was cut off by an angered roar.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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