Chapter 2: A friend?

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Change of view
"Wanna be friends?" I asked politely.

"Hahaha.." Todoroki started to chuckle, having his hand close his mouth.


"Oh... haha.. that was probably stupid..." , he was probably laughing because it was a stupid idea to become friends.

I knew it.

"Umm.. never mind.." I said as I looked away from his eyes. Why.. is it so hard to make friends? Why did he even want to stop kacchan in the first place.. why.

Why did I even bother.. Gosh I feel like an idiot. My mind started swerving with thoughts full of regret. Wishing that I wasn't so gullible in thinking I could be with a guy like him. I'm always going to be a loner... as I walked away from his sight.

He took notice of my movement. His expression softens and he started to act fast.

"Wait.. no I didn't mean to say it that way.." Todoroki said like as if he was sad.

"Wait" he said with a louder tone. He grabbed my arm, tight enough so I couldn't take another step. It was so tight I let out a little squeak.

"Ah.. sorry I didn't mean.. to.." he took his hand off me and took me by the shoulders and turned me around. His softened expression became sad as soon as he saw my face? Was there something behind me? My hair?

"I didn't mean to make you cry.." he said.

Right then and there I started to feel the sensation of my tears from my cheeks falling to my chin. The feeling of my throat choking me.

Gosh.. can this be anymore embarrassing?

I covered my face, buried on my hands.. leaving my entire body to face him. I didn't want him to see. I didn't want him to look at my face.

"T-then.. sniff why did y- you laugh?" I questioned not looking him in the eye, struggling to wipe my tears with my wet hands.

"I... don't think we can be friends...", It nearly made me choke up again. The swelling within my eyes felt bigger until he had filled the silence with something I didn't expect. It was surprising enough to make my tears stop flowing.

"Because.. I don't.. know your name."

Awe man.. I'm so stupid.

"Sorry I didn't mean to sound rude in any way.." he apologized.. he started stroking my arm to sooth me from my tears.

"M-midoriya" I answered.

"Hmm?" Assuming he didn't hear me clearly

"Izuku Midoriya.." I said a little clearer

"I see. I really wouldn't mind to be friends with you, but can you tell me how it works?", his genuine look came to me.


"I... don't really know what do friends do together." He asked hesitantly

"Umm.. sniff how about we go out for ice-cream?" I recommended.

"Then you'll have an idea to what real friends do."

I started explaining and I had Todoroki's attention.

"...because it's not something you can easily explain, it's more of a feeling." I smiled.

"I mean.. I've never had a best friend.. to be honest.. the only friend I had was.. a bully.. you know? The guy who you helped me out with? Kacchan.. so I'm kind of a first in this.. friend thing as well." I took a glance at Todoroki and realized how bored he could've been.

His expression became blank. Oh dear... I'm probably boring him with all of this none sense.

"Ahh~ sorry I.. I should let you know that I talk a lot.. sorry... j-just let me remind you again.. are you free for ice-cream?" Todoroki gave me an emotionless expression, like as if he seemed like something wasn't going the way he wanted.. or maybe he's regretting this whole friend thing. He's not really saying anything...

"It doesn't even have to be ice-cream! Ermm~ it doesn't even have to be anything sweet! Just.. just-"

"Let's go have ice-cream... I haven't had ice-cream in a long time.." Todoroki replied.

Ahhh~ I feel sooo embarrassed! I talked too much! He just spoke like.. two sentences! Ahhh! I should've just kept my mouth shut! Gosh I'm such a-

"Thank you.. for being my friend.. I've never had one.. at least.. not a good one" Todoroki said

"O-ohh.. hehe~ of course.. you've been.. amazing so far! Oh.. also.. aren't you going to ask your parents for permission? I know I told my mom ahead of time" I never knew a guy like Todoroki would be so nice. I think he's really... cool.

"Umm.. n-no.. I prefer not to tell my parents" he averted his gaze at me. "It won't matter, don't worry"

"Oh.. OH! Sorry. I didn't mean to-" I replied all flustered

"It's okay, it's totally fine. Let's go to the ice-cream shop and cheer ourselves up"


"Hello~ welcome to Chills!" The women said in the reception.

"H-hello.." I said hesitantly.. I looked around and there were so many people surrounding us. Apparently none of them were lining up so we decided to go next. I was never social with anyone. The only time I felt like talking to someone I barely knew was actually.. Todoroki. I always found it so.. awkward talking to someone, since my mind often drifts off to another topic without me even realizing. I'm even thinking about way too many things at the moment, why can't my brain be quiet for once? I find this slightly embarrassing.

At this moment and time, I didn't feel like talking to another person.. I've already lost all my extroverted energy and confidence trying to talk to Todoroki today, if I talk anymore I might go so red. I'll get sick. I pulled on Todoroki's shirt right by his arm... he took his eyes off the ice-cream stand and then me.

"What's wrong?" Todoroki asked, eyebrows raised

"Erm.. I'm.. umm..can you ask her for me?" I gave him my goo goo eyes I give to my mom when I want something really bad. I laughed at the thought every time it actually worked.

"S-sure" His surprised gaze then turned into a smile.

"What would you like?" He asked

"Green tea please! Two scoops! On a cone, tha-"


Someone bumped into me real hard and it pushed me forward

"Ah.." but I managed to also bump into someone in front of me.. although this time.. instead of a bump, it was more like a.. hug? I had arms wrapped around me, it felt safe.. I closed my eyes until people were no longer trying to get passed me. I looked in front and I saw a red tie along and a grey tux same like mine.. I looked up and it was Todoroki. Uwahh~ I thought it was someone else~ so.. soft.. so...WHAT??

"AHH~ sorry! I didn't mean to." I swiped any dust or dirt that I might've accidentally put on him, and I made sure that I fixed his tie and shirt just to make up for it.. normally the majority of guys I accidentally bump into normally get so mad, they usually start pulling my hair, or push me out of the way or slap me in the face or insult me.. so why is Todoroki different?

(Influenced on Bakugou's abusive friendship)

"Why do you apologize a lot?" He asked

"Ohh.. ermm force of habit?"

"Hmm is that so?"


"Ah.. hey look, most of the people left.. wanna take a seat for the both of us?" He asked

"O-Ofcourse! Here's my money by the way" I replied all nervous. "I'm sorry I can't pay myself.. I'm sh-"

"Shy" he interrupted. "Don't worry.. I hope you'll start getting comfortable with me though.. as long as you do I'll be happy" a faint smile shows on his face

"O-Ofcourse.." I ran all flustered getting us a seat

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