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The first thing I noticed was that I co uld see I looked aound to see a younger version of my brother beside me my mom and dad in the front seat "mom? Daddy?" I asked but got no response we were all singing in the car then out of nowhere a truck comes crashing into us then I see everything in slow motion glass shards everywhere screaming echos surrounding me then blackness I tried to move but feel pain then light comes and I'm in a glass shard box "you're a freek" I heard "no on likes you" you're a disappointment" then I saw J and my parents "help" I cried out to them they just laughed "I hate you! You're nothing but an ugly burden I should have left your blind ass to die a blind freek" J screams at me  "you're filthy and disgusting and I'm ashamed to call you my daughter" my father seethes and my mother just stares at me I'm a crying mess on the glass floor the glass cutting my skin but I don't feel the pain I'm numb can't feel anything "free" she whispered and then fades to blackness and I'm being shook awake

"LIA WAKE UP!" I hear J yell and I shoot up still shook from the dream "sorry I woke you" I apologized feeling guilty for waking him up I'm engulfed into a hug it's fine do you want to talk about it I shook my head and called out "hey google what time is it?" I asked the google home mini "3:43am" the robotic voice answered close enough I groaned and got up and grabbed clothes and went to the bathroom took a shower to wash away all of the fatigue I was feeling and any reminents of the nightmare today is the last day of school for 2 weeks cause of break then a couple weeks and the last day of school fun. Note sarcasm I kept running the dream through my mind the voices echoing in my mind but the thing that really caught my attention and I keep running through is the word my mom said free what did she mean by that what does free mean it's killing me

"Earth to Accalia Grey Lupus my twin sibling" J said I chuckled then an idea came "I want to sing another song" I said "what song?" He asked Alone in A Room by Asking Alexandria acoustic version" I replied he sighed I'll have to learn it and you will have to perfect it but I think we can do it" he said I nodded "good" I said and started eating a little of the breakfast that J made and checked the time "we gotta go" I said and he nodded off we go I grabbed Kodi and we were off.

                                       Blake's POV (Surprise!)

"Guys I met a girl" I told them they finally stopped arguing and stared at me "who? Whats her name? Is she cute? Is she nice? What's she like? Is it a real like or a lustful like? When can we meet her?" My friends asked at the same time I sighed and took a huge breath "the new girl, her name is Accalia, yes she is cute, nice I don't really think so more like sarcastic and witty, she's sarcastic, witty, smart beautiful voice and blind, it's a real like, and tomorrow" I said all in one breath they nodded "can't wait to meet her" they said I chuckled and we were on a new topic wel they're not arguing anymore for now I wonder what Lia's doing probably something to do with Kodi, music, or J got her to do something I know it's weird but I kinda miss her she's cute with her dimples and beautiful eyes Jace is a pretty good guy too we talked alot when we were hiding from Kodi I heard their conversation that had J crying and it was depressing and an eye opener and Kodi is gorgeous and I find it cool how Lia and Kodi match it's cute.

I honestly think we will get a good grade on this show Lia's voice is amazing and I honestly can't even fathom how much talent she has ok maybe I have a little crush on her but how could you not I mean who cares if she can't see? My group of friends weren't at school when the twins arived they stayed the night and we were going to all go to school we went to sleep and woke up the next morning

Skip to school

I saw a very grumpy looking Kodi his ears were flat and his tail flicking in annoyance "common lets go" I said and ran towards them before I got to her she whipped around "I swear to god if you are another person to comment on my bloody sight I will personally rip you apart limb by limb" she seethed and held me by the throat then I saw J rushing towards us "Lia stop choking Blake and please explain WHY I LEAVE YOU FOR 5 FUCKING MINUTES AND YOU'VE ALREADY PUNCHED OVER 10 PEOPLE!!" He yelled at her she let go of me and looked at J "only 16" she muttered "hey it's the waist of space isn't she stupid looking"some girl commented and I saw anger flash in her eyes and J caught her mid pounce "that's enough missy we don't need a new record" J said chuckling she flipped him off "vilis" she said whatever that means (fuck you) I chuckled and turned to my friends "guys meet Accalia, Jace, and Kodi" I said pointing at each of them Lia looked at us "oh ya sorry Blake thought you were someone else we figured out another song to do can you play guitar?" She said all in one breath it's ok and yes I can play guitar she nodded and looked behind me "8 people are too many who's this?" She asked my friends looked shocked "this is Kim, Jazzy, Jackson, Jacelyn, Terry, David, Derrin, and Paige" I said "too many people J let me go we have class" she said he sighed and set her next to Kodi "how did you know there were 8 people?" Kim asked she was the inquisitive one "scent" she said simply and walked away with Kodi I looked at J and we did the bro shake "take it she's not in a good mood?" I joked "you don't know the half of it"

Word Count 1100

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