Chapter 1

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Hi, guys up above is just a reminder what they look like in their picture when Jace took it ( Kodi was a younger puppy and thats not his color)

"Lia time to wake up" I heard Jace my twin brother say I opened my eyes and was greeted by my normal nothing I don't know how to explain what I see or not see well lets just get down to the chase and say I'm blind I just recently moved to California from England I grabbed my sunglasses because sometimes the light hurt my eyes and gave me a headache my brother got photophobia from the accident while I got blindness and my parents got death while the drunk driver got a slap on the wrist at most. Stupid rich people!

I went to my closet and went through clothes I had plaques that had the colors in braille I went to the white and found my favorite top my brother told me it said 'are you my bae? Then leave' my bae in this case is Kodi I have the material memorized I grabbed black ripped skinny jeans then found my leather jacket and my leather fingerless gloves so I could feel around and not lose two of my scenes I got dressed and brushed my teeth and long black hair that went own to my thighs I have kinda tan skin from being a little Latin (a/n I don't know if thats actually true so correct me if I'm wrong) even if I lived in England my eyes are weird but I have one silver greyish blue eye and the other one is brown and whats weirder Kodi's eyes and mine match the one good part about the accident and my blindness is Kodi he's my seeing eye dog and spirit animal.

It's a funny story how I met him actually


I was going out to the forest back home to end my life in my favorite place back behind my house in the woods I was tired of being blind and not having anybody other than my brother tired of keeping up my strong act I'd been blind for 7 years and I just wanted it it end we couldn't get a dog because we couldn't afford it so I was giving up I continued walking till I reached my destination I heard the waterfall and got on my special rock ready to jump when I felt something touch my leg and cry I screamed in fright then bent down to grab the thing that touhed my it was a ball of fur not old enough to be away from his mother left here to die I emedietly fell connected to the small ball of fur maybe he's my spirit animal I heard in legends my mom used to tell me that if you are in need of help thwn your spirit animal will shine and come to help you.

"it's all right little one I'll help you" I cooed to it I walked back home I opened the door and held him in my coat so he wouldn't be cold "Accalia thank got you had me worried sick I thought that you were going to kill your self and then I wouldn't have been able to handle it please don't ever do that again I'll help you the best I can please" Jace cryed holding me tight "let go" I said he let go and I took the fur ball out of my coat "food we need food" I said he looked up what to feed it. We got the formula put together and I started to fee him "I'll go call Sammie and see if we could get a discount if we provided a puppy and he could help train him" Jace said I nodded and continued cooing to the fur ball a couple minutes later he stopped eating and he snuggled into me I held him tight to me and started singing Nobody Praying For Me by Seether and he fell asleep J came back " he said he'll take him for free" he said I nodded "I'm sorry" I said "just please don't do it again I couldn't handle it please stay with me" he said sadly I nodded.

                       》》flashback over《《

He's the smartest dog in the world he has human emotions and sometimes acts human for example he'll bring me a drink or throw away some trash "hey sis" Jace called out to me "hey" I said I felt a big furry head I laughed and pet him "hey boy" I said to my big puppy he whined "I know I'll miss you too. But, you can come tomorrow" I told him I knew he didn't like it but then again neather did I no that's an understatement I hate it but I have to deal with it. He licked my face and I heard and felt the breeze from his wagging tail I laughed I'm happy now I've accepted my fate and started my new lifewith a happiness ever sense I found him I mean sure sometimes I still cut but usually Kodi is there "here" jace said givin me my morning smoothie I reached out and I was obviously off so Kodi nudged my hand towards the glass and I grabbed it "I can't believe that dog sometimes" jace chuckled I smiled the thing about spirit animals is that once they come when you really need them they never disappear great time to go to school fun not

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