Jin quickly found an empty check out and started unloading everything onto the conveyor belt. He made polite conversation with the elderly gentleman checking out their items and got ready to pay.

"Can you unload the rest?" Jin half asked half instructed Jungkook. The maknae didn't respond...again. Jin stared at him, noticing how Jungkooks eyes were completely spaced out and widened. He had barely any color in his face and seemed to be breathing heavily. Jin maneuvered around the grocery cart, taking a couple more objects out of the cart as he passed.

"Kook-ah, look at me." He said, clasping his hand on the maknaes shoulder. Jungkook whimpered almost silently and grabbed Jin's hand. "Hey, what's wrong?" Jin asked, concerned for the boy beside him. 

"I don't feel right." Jungkook whispered. "My eyes keep getting spotty and my legs feel tingly."

"Okay, go sit down on that bench right there while I finish this up." Jin said softly, rubbing Jungkooks tense back. "I'll be quick and then we can go home."

Jungkook nodded and slowly made his way to the wooden bench. He sat down with a loud sigh and held his head in his hands, waiting for the room to stop spinning. The beeping of checkouts and the squeaky sliding door only made the pain the in his skull worse. It was like someone was hitting his forehead with a hammer every time that god awful beeping noise occurred. Five minutes later Jin was kneeling in front Jungkook, the cart full of grocery bags.

"Let's get going, Kookie. We managed to park pretty close today." He said, pulling down Jungkook hood. Jungkook sniffed, his shoulders shaky lightly. "What's wrong? Don't cry Kookie, everything's okay."

"My head hurts." Jungkook mumbled.

"I know, you'll feel better soon." Jin encouraged, helping Jungkook stand up.

Carefully, they started making their way to the car. Jin's mind was rushing with panicked thoughts, but he kept himself composed for Jungkooks sake. The younger was hugging himself, as they walked through the light rain and Jin could sense his stress. They successfully made it to the car in one piece. Jin helped Jungkook into the car, and shut the door for him. Then he quickly shoved all of the grocery bags in to back of the car, rustling around all of the plastic as he piled it in.

Jungkook miserably sat in the front seat while Jin scurried away to put the empty cart in the cart rack. He was beginning to feel nauseated and dizzy. Jin hopped into the drivers seat and started the car, giving Jungkook a quick back rub.

"Tell me what's going on, Kookie." Jin said, beginning the drive home. Jungkook groaned and wiped his teary eyes.

"I feel dizzy, a-and my eyes are blurry." He quietly explained.

"Okay, we're almost home, just hang in there. When we get there you can lie down and have something to eat. You might just be low on fuel." Jin said, glancing over at Jungkook.

"I feel nauseous, though." Jungkook pointed out, flopping his head back against the car seat. It was like his neck turned into jelly. Jin furrowed his eyebrows. What in the world was going on?!

"Nauseous? W-What do you mean?" He asked, sweat forming on his palms.

"I don't know!" Jungkook snapped, rubbing his eyes, as large raindrops smacked the roof of the car. He was just as confused and overwhelmed. The trees and buildings they passed turned into blobby blurs, and cars zooming by felt distant and muted. He couldn't even figure how close they were to home.

"Okay, I'm gonna call Taehyung. He's the only one at home." Jin decided, using the cars Bluetooth to call while driving safely.

After three rings a groggy and deep voice rumbled through the speakers.

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