Just push through it (1)

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@ everyone who requested some Namjoon. This will be two parts :)
3:00 am, 4 hours until everyone needed to be up and ready to go to practice. That morning they would be given the new choreography for Idol. They were warned that it would be challenging, along with trying to get everyone in sync. It wasn't expected for them be 100% successful on the first day, that would be nearly impossible. They had from 8:30 to 4 to practice dance, then they would get cleaned up and go to the recording studios to record the backing vocals and rap, and then they would be able to go home.

Namjoon laid awake, staring up at his white ceiling. He rested his arm on his forehead and huffed out a breath, followed by a few coughs. He felt congested, unable to breathe through his nose, the space between his eyes ached and it burned to swallow. Drinking water didn't seem help, it was painful instead of refreshing. The medicine he took 30 minuets prior didn't seem in the mood to do its job either.

Namjoon sat up slowly and blinked at his cluttered room. He cleared his throat and rubbed his eyes, cursing his body for failing him. He done everything possible to keep himself from getting sick, taking vitamins, washing his hands, avoiding the other members when they were sick, and getting all his necessary vaccinations, which wasn't fun because of his fear of needles. Unfortunately, all his precautions seemed stupid now. They didn't work.

(While I write this there are drunk people outside of a bar and they keep screaming wtf)

"God damn it." He groaned, swinging his legs out from under his warm bedsheets.

Namjoon hugged one of his pillows to his chest and dragged himself to the living room. He clicked on a dim light and plopped himself down on one of the sofas, sitting still. The swelling inside his nose eased up from moving and being upright, allowing him to breathe through both of his nostrils. Namjoon fell back and rested himself against the cushions, keeping himself propped up with a couple other pillows lying around. His eyes closed half way, his mind stuck in a fight between sleep and consciousness.

An hour later the leader was passed out. His eyes closed softly, mouth hanging open to breath with quiet snores. His cheeks red but face pale. Someone was sure to find out, but Namjoon was going to make sure that wouldn't happen. While falling asleep he made a plan. Once he woke up he would act normally and get ready with everyone else, then when they arrived at the studio he would go to the bathroom periodically to check on himself. It was a good plan to him. Keep it a secret until it passes. He's done it once before, but that was only a little cold, this was definitely something more, he could tell.

At around 7 am Namjoon was awoken by rustling and voices. He peeled his eyes open and grunted, propping himself up on his elbows. Jimin walked over to him, already showered dressed. He tussled Namjoons hair and smiled.

"Good morning hyung. You should eat and start getting ready. We have about an hour til we leave." He said quietly, holding a bowl of cereal out for the older to take.

"Hm, thanks." He said groggily, taking the bowl from Jimins hands.

Eat so they aren't suspicious. He told himself, taking a spoonful of cereal and eating it. Initially he grimaced at the thought of eating, but he really regretted putting that spoon in his mouth. He chewed quickly and swallowed, ignoring the burn in his throat and bubbles in his stomach.

He managed about half the bowl until he had to stop. The pressure seemed to build in his stomach, settling uncomfortably and coming out in burps. He pulled himself off of the sofa and slowly walked to his bedroom, dragging his hand along the wall. Yoongi passed by and reached up to pat Namjoons shoulder, making the younger smile.

Namjoon walked back to his bedroom and started digging around for something to wear. He found a grey T-shirt and black gym shorts and threw them on instead of his pajamas. After changing he sloppily brushed through his hair, it was bound to get messed up anyway.

"What am I doing?" He asked himself, being hit with a dizzy spell. Namjoon sat down on his bed and cleared his throat, letting it pass.

He stared at the ground as the room spun in circles, randomly shivering. He was captivated by how fucked up his body could be. One thought repeated in his mind, just push though it. Namjoon was never keen on giving up, he always put his best foot forward and got through whatever was going on. If it was lack of inspiration, he'd write and write until he found something. If it was getting the dance moves right, he'd practice and practice until he improved. Namjoon imagined himself standing pitifully in the dance studio, face pale, watching the instructor, trying to dance and collapsing to his knees, alerting everyone around that something was wrong. He couldn't let that happen. This feeling would surely pass soon enough.

"Namjoon! C'mon, I've been calling your name for ten minutes now. We're going to car hurry up." Yoongi called from the hallway, hitting Namjoons door with his fist.

Namjoon gasped quietly and pulled himself together. "I'm coming, just hold on." He said, quickly grabbing his phone and gym bag.

Namjoon burst out of his bedroom and just barely caught Yoongi before he left. He ran up behind the older and followed him out to the van where everyone was ready to go. Namjoon, having the longest legs, was granted the front passenger seat. He buckled in and inhaled deeply, steadying himself after moving so quickly that his stomach started aching and gurgling more violently.

"You were in your room for 30 minuets, what were you doing?" Jin asked from behind him.

"I spaced out, I guess." Namjoon half admitted, leaving out the fact that he felt like he was on a tea cup ride.

"Let's just hope you didn't forget anything." The eldest said, leaning back in his seat.

The group chatted amongst themselves, Namjoon focusing his attention on the horizon line, keeping the level of nausea to a minimum. (I did that in third grade when I was really sick. 10/10 would recommend.) His attention was caught when a loud, exasperated groan came from the very back seat.

"I want to go back to sleep! Stop waking me up!" Yoongi whined, tossing around in his seat.

"Tae leave Yoongi alone." Jin said with a monotone voice, completely unfazed.

"Yeah let me rest you shit head." Yoongi grumbled, flicking Taehyungs head, making the younger bump into Jimins shoulder.

"Yah! Jin-hyung Yoongi hit me!" The younger said, whining equally as much.

"Taehyung bumped into me!" Jimin said, joining in on "the little brother like" behavior.

"Yoongi leave Tae alone. Tae leave Yoongi alone. Jimin just listen to music. Got it?" Jin said, gazing down at his phone.

Namjoon felt his eyes droop. This was going to be a long day, especially with everyone in a sour mood.

Yay an update ! Sorry for the wait, I've been going through some stuff and have been stressed and depressed. I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) don't forget to vote

Love you guys 💕

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