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Thanks for the suggestion @txaeqhyung !

They live in a regular big house in this btw

Yoongi and Hoseok slowly walked the isles of the grocery store. Namjoon sent them out when he saw they ran out of onions, vitamins and meat. Of course, once they got there, they ended up getting distracted by everything else that they did not necessarily need.

"Yoongi we need snacks." Hoseok said, as the older pushed the squeaky cart passed the isle.

"Oooooo snacks." Yoongi agreed, turning down the colorful isle full of chips and cookies.

"I want these!" Yoongi chirped, holding a bag of hot Cheetos.

He turned around to see Hoseok already holding two bags of chips and a box of chocolate cookies. Yoongi giggled and threw the items into the cart. The pair continued there way to the meat section where they needed to find some pork and steaks. Hoseok picked out the package of the meats and tossed them into the cart as well.

"When we get back they'll think that Kookie and Taehyungie possessed us!" Hoseok laughed.

"Hobi we should get a cat." Yoongi announced, staring at the cat food and toys as they took a short cut to the vitamin isle.

"I wish! What kind would you get?" Hoseok asked, pausing at the cat treats.

"A fluffy one, a black fluffy one." Yoongi said in a matter of fact way.

"I'd want a orange one, or something like that." Hoseok said, continuing on.

After the boys had gathered the four items they needed +some extra, they made their way to the checkouts. Yoongi weaved the full cart through groups of people and crying children until he found a short line. Hoseok helped put the food onto the conveyor belt and waited to pay. Yoongi rested his head on Hoseok shoulder while he waited.

"You ok?" Hoseok asked, sliding his credit card through the small machine.

"mhmm." Yoongi mumbled, resting his eyes.

"Tired?" Hoseok asked.

"Always." Yoongi replied, taking hoseoks hand into his own.

Hoseok smiled and shook his head. When everything had been packed back into the cart and payed for, they left and went back to the car. Yoongi hopped into the passenger seat with Hoseok on his left, ready to drive. He pulled out of the parking lot and Yoongi shut his eyes, do dozing off into an slightly uncomfortable snooze.

Twenty minutes later they had pulled into garage connected to their house. Hoseok got out first and carried all the bags in one trip to the kitchen. Jungkook came bounding down the stairs and started digging trough them with Jimin.

"Yah! Those are Yoongis!" Hoseok scolded when he saw jungkook looking at the bag of hot Cheetos in awe.

"He won't mind..." Jimin said, about to open the package.

Hoseok grabbed the bag from the younger clutches and put it on a high shelf. Jimin whined and jungkook groaned.

"That's not fair!" They complained at the same time.

"Too bad. Maybe he'll share later." Hoseok said, walking back to the garage to wake yoongi up.

He skipped down the three steps into the garage and walked up to the passenger door. He looked in the window and saw Yoongi sleeping soundly. Hoseok quietly opened the car door, pulling it open.

"Hey, yoongi you've got to wake up now." Hoseok said quietly, patting yoongi's thigh.

Yoongi groaned and turned away, sniffing harshly. He grimaced as he swallowed and air bubble in his throat. Hoseok shook Yoongi lightly, fully pulling him from his unconscious state. Yoongi gazed around, slightly confused. He whimpered when he was met with a pounding in his head and pain in his ear. Hoseok stared at yoongi, watching his boyfriend toss around in the car seat, sweating.

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