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It was a foggy Tuesday morning at the local grocery store and Jin and Jungkook were out buying the weeks groceries. The maknae sluggishly trailed along behind Jin, who was buried in getting everything on the long list, occasionally throwing random snacks into the cart. The store was practically empty, as it was only 9 am on a weekday. That morning Jungkook had woken up unusually early and couldn't get back to sleep, so Jin decided to drag the maknae along with him for the day.

"Kook-ah, can you go get some band aids?" Jin asked, turning down another isle. Jungkook didn't respond, his eyes were trained on the tiled floor and his thoughts were miles away.

"Jungkook?" Jin repeated. "Yah, go grab some band aids, kid." Jin said, patting the youngers shoulder to get his attention.

"Hm?" Jungkook hummed, looking up Jin with his eyebrows furrowed. "Oh, yeah. I'll be right back." He said, turning right towards the isle that held the needed item. Jin shrugged his shoulders and browsed through the surrounding toilet paper for the proper brand he needed. They only used the softest toilet paper in the bangtan household.

Jungkook shoved his chilly hands into his hoody pocket and sleepily made his way through the store. The slightly fluorescent lights shined down on Jungkooks unwashed hair and forced an ache into his head. Usually, he enjoyed shopping and picking out different things, but today was different. He felt off. It easily could be the dreary weather, he remembered Jimin once saying how 'blah' he felt when it was cloudy. Maybe that was it, maybe it wasn't. He really couldn't tell.

Jungkook wandered past the multitude of vitamin jars until he spotted the small boxes stacked perfectly on the shelf. He took a second to look at the different brands of band aids, and decided on a huge multipack that had four different band aid sizes. He grabbed the box and started returning to Jin.

"Did you get 'em?" Jin asked when he saw Jungkook coming back down the isle. The maknae's eyes were trained the floor again as he stumbled along, missing Jin's question.

"What's going on with this kid?" Jin muttered under his breath, walking to meet Jungkook.

"I got these." Jungkook mumbled, handing the box to his hyung. Jin took the box and placed it in the cart.

"Are you okay, kook? You haven't been answering my questions when I talk to you." Jin said, gently touching Jungkooks cheek.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired." Jungkook stated, rubbing his eyes that had gone a little blurry.

"You and Taehyung need to stop playing overwatch until 3 am. It's not good for you." Jin chuckled, glancing down at the list in his hands. "Let's go pick out some stuff for dinner. Jimin wants homemade pizza this week."

Jungkook nodded and continued to help Jin gather the rest of the groceries. After another hour of stumbling around, accidentally bumping into an old lady and mistaking a bottle of vodka for water, they were finally done. They both sighed with relief after checking off the last item in the list. Purchasing a full week of food for seven people took a long ass time.

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