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anonymous: it's starting to look a lot like christmas

alex-burke: it's november?

anonymous: bitch don't kill my vibe

alex-burke: bitch means dog, dogs bark, bark is on trees and trees are nature. nature is beautiful, therefore you just called me beautiful

anonymous: you found that on tumblr didn't you

alex-burke: nooo

anonymous: whatever floats your boat princess

alex-burke: wait i have a question

anonymous: what

alex-burke: are you ever gonna reveal yourself? because i'm a little tired of waiting. i love you, but i don't want to be dating an anonymous person forever.

anonymous: let's make a deal

alex-burke: don't call me that pls

anonymous: let's make a deal alexandra

alex-burke: ok

anonymous: two days before christmas. december 23rd. i'll tell you who i am.

alex-burke: you promise?

anonymous: promise

alex-burke: ok

anonymous: you said you wanted to date me forever?? but what if we wanted to get married and find
unicorns then live in narnia?

alex-burke: unicorns don't exist and i don't even like the books. but im totally on board with the marriage part

anonymous: your just a little ray of sunshine aren't you?

alex-burke: you're** and yes, yes i am.

anonymous: ok well i'm going now

alex-burke: ok ily

anonymous: ilyt

alex-burke: december 23rd?

anonymous: december 23rd.

alex-burke: omg we just had a the fault in our stars moment

anonymous: you're such a dork

alex-burke: but im your dork :)

anonymous: yes, yes you are.

anonymous has disconnected


[this story is ending sooner than i thought wow. i'm sorry for the slow updating. i have some ideas now so i'll probably update this 2 times in a row. do you thing we can get 10+ votes on this chapter? sorry if that seems .. i just wanna know if people are still reading this. tell me what you think! stay beautiful!]

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