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alex-burke: oh my lord

anonymous: did you see it?

alex-burke: did i see it?! noooooo...

anonymous: what?

alex-burke: you covered my whole locker in so many damn post-it-notes that said all our inside jokes.

anonymous: did you look inside ?

alex-burke: okay, the rose and the post-it-notes were really sweet but really? 'hey bae, you asked so here's my sign that i'm actually real. ps. when you kill me spare my balls - anonymous'

anonymous: what? i thought I did a good job

alex-burke: yeah, you did. and i appreciate it :)

anonymous: anything for my dear alexandra

alex-burke: that's the last time. or else

anonymous: or else what?

alex-burke: i don't know. i'll think of it soon though.

anonymous: i'm very scared

alex-burke: oh you should be

anonymous: suuree

alex-burke: did you really have to write ding dong though?

anonymous: of course

alex-burke: i figured

alex-burke has disconnected

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