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alex-burke: oh my fucking god

anonymous: what happened?

alex-burke: i just got stung by a bee

anonymous: really?

alex-burke: yes really! it hurts like you!

anonymous: like me? what?

alex-burke: it hurts like a bitch

anonymous: oohh

alex-burke: yeah

anonymous: hey! that wasn't nice

alex-burke: but there's a fucking bee's ass in my leg

anonymous: well sorry

alex-burke: can you get high on honey?

anonymous: maybe, why?

alex-burke: because 2 people have asked me if i was high

anonymous: kewl

alex-burke: it looks like a snake bite

anonymous: um gross

alex-burke: what if i die? oh my gosh i'm too young to die

anonymous: relax

alex-burke: i can't relax! i'm about to die because a bee stung me

anonymous: you won't die

alex-burke: why do i feel like i'm gonna die then

anonymous: because you're alexandra and you always over exaggerate

alex-burke: shit

anonymous: what

alex-burke: i have two bee stings

anonymous: why do they keep stinging you

alex-burke: i don't know!

anonymous: i can be your ruler, you can call me queen bee

alex-burke: no

anonymous: baby i rule, let me live that fantasy

alex-burke has disconnected

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