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anonymous: you look adorable when you're frustrated

alex-burke: what do you mean

anonymous: i saw you in math, was it question 8 that stumped you?

alex-burke: how did you know!

anonymous: number 8 was pretty hard and you kept on making a 'grr' sound. kind of like an angry kitten

alex-burke: you're comparing me to a cat

anonymous: not a cat, a kitten

alex-burke: same thing

anonymous: nope

alex-burke: yes

anonymous: no

alex-burke: yes

anonymous: fine. what do you want me to compare you to?

alex-burke: a turtle

anonymous: why a turtle? why not something cool? like a shark or a sloth

alex-burke: excuse me

anonymous: just kidding..

alex-burke: turtles are cool!

anonymous: sure

alex-burke: you know what i just realized

anonymous: what?

alex-burke: if you saw me in math, that means you're in that class!

anonymous has disconnected

anonymousМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя