Chapter 12

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I wake up the next morning to find the whole apartment empty. I can still smell Lucians scent but it's old. He must have left while back.

It's strange. I feel no emotion at the idea he left. There is no upset obviously, there's no reason to be upset about it. There is also no sense of relief. It's strange. I would have thought knowing I was alone would have been a comfort to me.

Shrugging off the weird thought I head to the kitchen to find something to eat. Since I've been here I keep finding myself getting hungrier and hungrier despite the fact I've eaten more food in the last few days than I have in the entirety of my life. From what I can remember that is.

Walking into the kitchen I see a bowl, some milk and a brightly coloured box with fruit loops written on the side. As well as a note attached to the box.

"Here's something for breakfast. I'm downstairs in my office if you need me.

Love Lucian x"

What strange words from a male. Thy don't know how to love.

Ignoring the note I pour out the cereal in the box. It's so brightly coloured! It tastes even better!

I smile at myself as a dig into the sugary delight. This is the best! I hope the bird on the box is real as well. It looks so cool.


Once I've finished breakfast I decide to make my way downstairs. I'm still in the same clothes as yesterday but I'm not going to complain. I can't keep taking Beta Astras clothes. It's not right.

Milling about the pack house I notice stares from several of the other wolves also present. I don't like their stares. It makes me feel uneasy. I don't know any of these wolves and no one has come to find me today like normal. I like spending my day with people. It makes me feel less alone and stops my mind wandering back to my old prison.

My only option left is to find Lucian. I don't completely trust him but at least I know him and I'm not going to be on my own.

As I approach him I hear voices from the other side.

".... and you're sure it's him" Lucians voice is stern.

"I'm positive. He's the only one capable of a grouping of such magnitude. Myself and Rick made a narrow escape from him which is how I know he's the closest to this area. It was definitely the rogue king" Astras voice is equally as stern. The tone she takes I almost unnerving. It's so different to her normal care free time of voice or even that she takes around the warriors.

"I'll put precautions in place until this can be confirmed and dealt with. In the meantime safety is the number one priority I want extra guards, more training and the black squad are to be put on safety duty with no questions asked. Make things subtle. I don't want to cause a panic, but Astra, do whatever you think is necessary to ensure her safety"

"Understood. I'll send scouts out immediately on top of the to grasp distance. No harm will come to her"

I try to scurry away from the door as I hear the conversation come to an end. Oh no! I'm going to get caught eavesdropping and then I'm going to be in serious trouble.

I start to panic as I try and get away from the door but it's too late.

"Angel? Are you alright?" A concerned Lucian stares at me.

"Oh yes... of course..." I mumble.
"I.. I.. I was just looking for you. I didn't know what I was supposed to do today so I thought I'd come see you"

I can help but notice the small smile that graces Lucians lips at my words.

"Good Goddess Lucy! Why is Emma still in the same clothes as yesterday. The ones I lent her I may add?" Astra demands. Hands on hips with one jutted to the side.

"Lucy?" I can't help but giggle.

"For starters Astra what have I told you about calling me that" Lucian growls.

"Secondly I was getting around to that" his tone now more embarrassed.

Astra just roles her eyes.

"Myself, Blaze and Holly, Lucians sister, all refer to him as Lucy as it winds him up. Feel free to do it also. I'm sure you're the only one who will get away with it" Ash directs at me, a devilish smirk on her lips.

"As for you" she snaps at Lucian "getting around to it is not good enough! She needs clothes for fuck sake. Take her to get a full wardrobe tomorrow. I mean a full wardrobe. If you come back and it looks like you have room to carry another bag then so help me"

"Fine. We will go tomorrow. If that's ok with you?" He questions me.

I nod.

I can't help but admire Ash. She's so brave and strong being able to stand up to a male like that despite his rank and power. I'm glad she is my friend. I trust that she will protect me and I know the trust she has placed in Lucian is also helping me learn how to trust him.

"As for what we are doing today" Ash smirks "First we need to visit the doctor. Then I'm going to introduce you to some very special friends of mine with a particular set of skills and interests. Do be warned though they are slightly crazy."

Ash smiles before I'm pulled away toward another busy day. Pulled away I may add, before I had the chance to ask any questions about what they were talking about and who exactly the rogue king is.

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