Chapter 5

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I really need to stop passing out. I'm pretty sure that was the third time in the space of twenty four hours and I don't want to set some kind of record.

As I come back into reality I realise whatever I'm lying on is much more comfortable than the hospital bed I woke up in before hand. It smells a lot nicer as well. I hate that surgical type smell of a hospital I have decided, but whatever this smell is it is comforting.

I roll into my side and nestle my head further into whatever I'm lying on and slowly begin to open my eyes. OH MY DAYS! I jump as I come face to face with Lucian who is observing me from a chair across from where I'm lying. A small smirk appearing at the corner of his lips. I've never seen that expression on a male before. Maybe he sat in something and the smirk happened by accident?

I lower my head to him hoping my act of submission will be enough for him and he will leave me alone. I fight the tears that are threaten to form once again. I will not let him think of me as easy and weak. That was my problem last time.

"You don't need to submit to me, you are my equal" he says softly.

My head snaps up in an instant. What on earth does he mean I am his equal? Males never see females as there equal. We are always below them, we cook, we clean and sometimes they do horrible things to us for there own pleasure. A shiver of fear runs through my body at the very thought. When I look back to Lucian what I was originally thinking hits me once more. This wolf must have been hit in the head hard to say such crazy things.

I sit still staring at him and trying to think about what is going through this mans crazy brain. You could probably cut the awkward tension with a knife. Anyone who had the courage to enter this room would be able to feel it think in the air.

"So... you've seen the many faces of Astra today" Lucian comments to me in an attempt to get rid of the atmosphere.

I sit still, staring at him blankly as I have been doing this whole time. He is not honestly expecting me to talk to him is he? He must be crazier than I thought. I make a note of it to ask Ash later when I can finally find a way to go and see her.

Noticing my lack of willingness to add to this conversation Lucian attempts once more to rid us of the awkwardness.

"Usually she isn't like this, she is one of the most fearsome fighters I have ever seen and between herself and Blaze I would say they are hands down some of the best betas out there. I mean an Alpha should never say this but i don't think I could run this pack without them" he makes an attempt at a laugh.

"When can I leave" I say bluntly. Maybe in his crazy state he will forget about keeping me and he will just let me walk out. I mean one can I only hope.

"NEVER!" He growls "YOURE MINE!"

I shrink back into the sofa hoping it will swallow my entire body entire body. I can't help the whimper that escapes my lips drawing further attention to myself. Lucians eyes have gone pitch black as he stares at me intently.

Traitorous tears escape my eyes as I feel them running down my face. Why Goddess? Why would you do this to me again, and just as I thought I was free as well?

Once the flood gates had been breeched I couldn't hold back any more of my tears. They continue to poor down my face, clouding my vision making me even more panicked.

"Shit! I'm so sorry"  Lucians voice fills the room.

I faintly make out his blurry outline moving towards me. My fight or flight instinct kicks in instantly. I swipe the tears from my eyes and quickly flick my head from side to side hoping to see somewhere to run to.

The front door is a no go as it is directly behind Lucian. However I am in luck today. Well luck compared to what I've already been through. Lucian continues to make his way slowly towards me holding his hands out in front of him.

As quickly as I can I jump up and over the back of the sofa running down the corridor I saw earlier. I hear Lucian let if a string of swear words before I hear his heavy footsteps fallow me. There is no way I will out run him. What on earth am I going to do!

I dive into the first room I see with an open door, slamming it closed just as Lucian approaches me. Thankfully this door has a lock on it and from the looks of things it is a pretty strong lock.

My breathing I coming in harsh pants as I shuffle back away from the door as much as I can before I'm stopped by a wall. Looking around I see that I am in a large bathroom. The colour scheme seeming to stick to white and gold. I've never seen anything like this before. It's beautiful.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by banging on the door. I try my best to keep my breathing under control. Please Goddess, please let the lock hold.

"Please let me in angel" Lucian coos from outside the door.

I stay silent hugging my knees to my chest hoping that he will leave me alone. Please let him just leave me alone.

He keeps knocking on the door for what seems like hours before it finally stops. It feels like I've been holding my breathe for the whole time.

Everything is dark now so it is definitely nighttime. I don't know what I'm going to do but I do know one thing. I have to get out of here.

Mated Love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora