Chapter 2

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My senses slowly come back to me. Everything is still black but I can hear something in the background. A faint beeping noise. Is there supposed to be a faint beeping noise in heaven? I don't recall that being in any of the stories.

If I'm not dead though where the hell am I?

The next thing that comes back to me is my sense of smell. It's a strong smell that burns my nose but I recognise it. One of the females had used it on me once when a cut turned black. I think she called it surgical spirit. As I continue to breath in another smell filters into my nose. What the hell is that! I've never smelt something like that before. It's like pine trees and something else that I've never smelt before. Whatever it is though I hope that I get to smell it forever!

As I continue to get lost in the smell I notice a weird tingly feeling in my hand. What on earth is that? I don't think I've ever felt something like this before. As I focus in on the feeling other things start to filter into my senses. I realise that I am now lying on a bed of sorts. Not the kind of bed I had before but a proper one. Moon Goddess where have you put me?

The tingling feeling from my head spreads through my body until it's travelling around me like electricity. I have to know what is causing this. I focus intently on my fingers and try to move them. Nothing happens at first but a few moments later I feel my fingers twitch. Encouraged by the small movement I try once again this time getting my whole hand to move.

I hear a small gasp. I'm not alone in the room. I'm vulnerable at the moment. I need to see who is in here with me. I won't let someone else hurt me again.

I feel my eyelids flutter as I try and force them open. After a few tries I finally get them to do as I want but the brightness I'm confronted with is blinding which causes my eyes to snap closed again. I open my eyes more slowly this time allowing my eyes to adjust to the light. When I do open my eyes the sight in front of me is confusing.

I'm sat in completely white room. The whole environment just speaks sterile. I think I'm in a... hospital. Yes. That's the word. I've never been to one of these before. Maybe someone found me. It's not him though. He would never have brought me to a hospital.

I slowly try and sit myself up but the pain in my side from the bruising causes me to wince slightly as the pain forces the air from my lungs. A sudden movement besides me draws my attention.

When I look to my side I see my hand is being held by a much larger male hand. That must be the source of the tingles, but how on earth does his hand cause tingles?

My eyes wonder further up the figure. He is huge. One of the biggest males I have ever seen! His clothing is all black. Maybe it's a uniform of some sort. I continue my gaze all the way to his face. He has short messy blond hair with all different tones of blond in it. His defined jaw is blurred slightly by the stubble covering his jaw but his eyes. His eyes are on a whole different level. They are a silvery grey colour with small flecks of blue floating in them. It is utterly mesmerising.

I don't realise that I have been staring until he breaks me out of my trance with the one word that I never wanted the hear again. Mate.

My throat dries instantly as my eyes bulge out of my head. Not again. Please Goddess not again. I can't believe she would allow me to feel the joy of freedom only to have me trapped by another monster as soon as I feel happiness.

I feel my heartbeat get faster until it feels like my heart will burst from my chest. My breathing has decided to pick up some speed as well until it feels like I'm breathing out so quickly no air is actually going into my lungs.

Noticing my change he makes a move towards me only causing my panic to escalate to new heights. I scoot my body back as far as possible ignoring the pain that explodes through my entire body.

I have to get away from him. This is not going to happen. I can't let this happen!

"Easy there, you need to stop moving" his words are authoritative and I can't detect any emotion behind them.

He's exactly like the last one and he's getting closer to me!

I don't have any option left. I know I can't get away but maybe someone will be nice here so I scream.

His eyes widen in shock as I scream and he tries to get closer to me only causing my screams to grow louder and more shrill.

Footsteps come bare along towards the door. Three males burst through the doors, there gazed flicking between me and the male that is still trying to approach me.

There presence panics me further. They are going to do what the others did! Two of them men are dressed in completely white while the other man is even bigger than the one trying to approach me. His hair is jet black and his body I covered in tattoos with several piercings. He is absolutely terrifying.

I'm screaming so much now that my vision is starting to grow blurry and I can feel my voice beginning to crack. Someone has to help me! PLEASE GODDESS PLEASE!

"Alpha, we need to calm her down, should we sedate her?" One of the men asks.

Sedate me! That is not going to happen!

"No there must be another way to do this"

I continue to scream. I'm going to do this until I pass out. At the end of the day I have nothing left to lose.

In the midst of the chaos I hadn't noticed the door open once more.


All the men look at her in shock before doing as she told them to do. All accept the one who I woke up to who looks at the woman hesitantly.

"Lucian i know you are my Alpha but you really don't want to fuck with me right now!" She growls.

When the male leaves the room I feel my whole body relax.

"Don't... leave... me" my voice is horse as I whisper to the woman and then my world goes black once again.

Hi peoples,

Thank you for choosing to read this. I hope you all enjoy it.

Just to let everyone know updates will be every Wednesday. Hope you all enjoy!

Nightowl x

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