Chapter 25: Let me fix you

Start from the beginning

The tears that fell from his eyes were getting heavier, his chest tighter and his whole body trembled. He couldn't breathe, he felt like his lungs were crushed, he desperately gasped for air but he couldn't get any. He panicked, he started to scratch his throat raw with his own nails, begged for his throat to open up because he also couldn't even scream for help. 


He wants Kihyun. He tried to link him but he couldn't get through. His own inner wolf that has been quiet for so long spoke for the first time since forever, he tried to calm his host down but the omega was far from listening. He was hurting his throat, blood was starting to clot in nails when his own wolf took it upon himself to link Jooheon and alert him about Changkyun's panic attack. 

15 seconds later Jooheon bursts into the room with Gunhee and Kwanji following behind. Jooheon rushed to the bed where Changkyun was still scratching his throat raw and struggling to breathe while crying uncontrollably.

Jooheon quickly pulled Changkyun's hands away from his throat and affectionately pressed his lips against the soft skin that he craved so much. Kwanji was examining Changkyun and concluded that Kyun was having a panic attack, so he turned to the head alpha to tell him what to do.

"Press him against your chest, let him inhale your scent, wrap your arms securely around him and comfort him, be sweet. Omega's need to feel safe in the arms of their mates."

Jooheon did as told and pulled the blonde closer against him. He buried his nose in his omega's hair, leaving short kisses until he moved his lips closer to his mates ear to whisper sweet nothings to calm him down.

"Changkyun, baby," Jooheon called to his mate that was still sniffling and sobbing in his chest, gasping for air "I'm right here, I will keep you safe, I will protect you. Please baby, calm down."

Changkyun slowly glanced at his mate, inhaled his sweet honey roasted scent that hugged his lungs and his very own being. His heart was slowly going back to normal, his throat finally opening up, letting him breathe. Changkyun closed his eyes that were filled with tears, he whimpered on his mate's chest while the other just stroked his hair in an affectionate manner.

"His heart rate is back to normal, his panic attack ceased."

Gunhee stepped forward, stood next to his friend that was holding his mate "will he be okay?" he asked the doctor.

"Yeah, he needs to rest and he should stay hydrated."

Gunhee nodded his head "I will get him water." the head alpha exited the room with Kwanji right behind him. Jooheon and Changkyun were left alone, Kyunnie wasn't sure of how he felt, but he knew that he missed his mate, he wanted to hug him and kiss him and admit he was right all along ... but ... he didn't want to get too close either ... because he was scared that Jooheon will hate him and hurt him once he finds out about ... the baby. 

Changkyun was conflicted, id he starts to talk about running away, then he has to tell him the whole story which involves him having the miscarriage before he went to the Blue Moon pack. He wasn't ready, so he tried to keep his distance even if he truly wanted to hug him. 

Jooheon noticed his mate's hesitation to hug him back, to show him affection. He saw how pale his baby was, and how swollen his gorgeous eyes were. He sighed, he will go slow with him, he will not pressure his beloved mate to love him back. 

"Hey," he greeted with a small smile when he tried to wipe away all the tears in the omega's eyes with his fingers "I missed you, I'm happy to have you back." 

Changkyun stayed quiet, his eyes downcast, not ready to meet Jooheon sweet dark ones. 

"I will personally look after you now, I will make sure you are comfortable, cozy and warm. I will take time off from my duties, but if you want some space, then I will gladly give you all the space you need, but promise me to let me back in."

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