Chapter 25 : The band Part II

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Chapter 25 : The band Part II


"Boys, looks like the uke won this round, we are going to produce a band.." said Earth

Saint, Plan and Gun nodded

*end flashback*

The boys been working on song for their boyfriend, it has been 3 days, Title seems frustrated with the lyrics, seems like it doesn't suit the music they produced earlier

" Urghhh... the lyrics does not make sense.."  he said, vigorously canceling the lines over and over again.

"Wow and I thought making a song is the easiest thing to do.. we literally almost give up with the music, now we are brain dead with the lyrics" Perth said, lazily strumming his guitar

"Woooieeeeeee.... why must our boyfriend request us to do this, I mean we can just cover a song, that's easier.."  said Mean.. Mean stroking his bass guitar

"Its personal.. you know, it feels like this is something we must do for them, after all we must think what they've done for us... they have the right to do this to us " Mark said, hitting the drums slowly

" What do you mean?" asked Title, he hasn't seem to grasp what Mark said.

"You're right.. Saint never once complain to me if I am late or why sometimes I dont answer his calls immediately and sometimes, I made him  endure my 'attacks' in bed, he always says he is okay but I know it hurts himm..  he deserves a song written for him.. no he deserves much more than this.. I am going to give my best..for Saint. My love.." Perth said, his frustration suddenly changed, he is now in high spirit to finish the song

" You are right brother, I shouldn't complain, gods knows how much endurance Plan might have gone through at night with all my weird requests.. I feel bad for him who is always ready to cater for me.. I should put more effort in this band.. ok.. let's see practice chords... this... and this.. " Mean said, he too began working on the beat of the song

"Wow, I never thought of it that way, I always thought of myself but not what Earth wanted to do, he always does things for me and I.... No.. Mr Kirati, you must do this for your wife, he sacrifice his sleeping hours just to make you breakfast everyday, so... you must sacrifice your time to make this song as success... " Title said, now he  is all hyped up to finish the song.

Mark smiles seeing his friends, busy with their part. Mark too was practicing the drums for the song. Initially he wanted to play the guitar  but Perth and Title already book the spots , so he took the drums instead. Although he is not an expert but he can manage to play it.

" Let's do this boys, show our wives what we can do for them.." Mark said, beating the drums

The boys answered with a "Ooowww..."


"Hey Guys, looks like the boys are really serious about making a song for us.." said Saint, looking at his phone, showing a photo of the boys Perth sent to him

"Is that for real?.." Gun asked looking at the boys with instruments with them

"Wow.. Look at Title in the center,. he looks so good as the kead singer..." Earth said, taking Saint's phone and zooming in on Title holding the microphone

"My man is so handsome..  I want to bite his lips... mmhmm.. " Earth said that involuntary

"Oohhoo.. Didnt know Earth has a devil inside him.." said Plan, teasing Earth..

"Hmmph... well.. look at your man, why he is shirtless while playing the bass.." Earth said showing  Plan a zoomed picture of Mean

"He is...?" Plan looked at the picture thoroughly... his man is indeed shirtless.. The expose body sends chills through Plan's body, he suddenly feels hot..

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