Chapter 1 : The Accidental Kiss

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Chapter 1

The Accidental Kiss

"Exams are over!!!!!"  Gun shouted from the top of his lungs...  His surrounding friends also rejoice in their achievement, achievement of surviving the exam.

"Guys come on, I'll treat you to Starbucks, today we celebrate... Yaaayyyy!!" His voice can be heard from the next faculty.

"What is all that noise?"  says Mark who was sitting under the tree outside of his faculty

Mark was enjoying his free time since he finished his exams that afternoon too. Mark was sitting with his friend, Title, Mean and Perth.

"Must be that loudmouth Gun and his gang again" Said Title, his slightly taller friend.

Mark smirked with his remark 'Loudmouth Gun'. Yeah he knows him. Loudmouth indeed, Sometimes Gun and his friends would pass by the faculty building to reach to the main campus building. Each time they pass his faculty, they were never quiet, always screaming, running playing jokes and teasing each other. They always manage to make heads turn wherever they go.

As Gun and his friends walk their usual route, They spotted the four boys sitting underneath the tree, shading from the sunlight perhaps.

"ahhh... it would've been a perfect day if we didn't have to see the four beasts sitting at the bench" Plan said, Gun's friend who is famous for his laser mouth.

Mean heard that from where he was sitting, Mean seem to have a some sort of hatred towards Plan and vice versa, they've been rival since high school, Both of them knew each other for quite a long time, everyone knows they come from the same high school but nobody knows why they hate each other. Even their group of friends gave up in asking the reason, they all decided for whatever reason Mean and Plan hated each other, it is their own business, best to not meddle in.

"WOW WOW WOW! before Shorty called us Monkeys, Now we've been upgraded to Beasts... what an honor coming from the smurf" Mean said sarcastically

"Who are you calling Smurf, You fluffy bear"  Plan said, enraged he fast walk towards the four boys who was relaxing under the shade.

Mean immediately reciprocated with by pulling up his collar and preparing his fist. The others responded in Panic while trying to keep the boys apart before any of them can begin throwing punches.

"Ai'Plan Calm down" Said Earth, He is Title's boo. 
"Plan... no need to make a scene here.." Said Saint, he is Perth's boyfriend.
"Ai Plan, Ai Mean, stop Na, everyone is watching you two" Says Gun standing in between them with both his hands on their chests.

"Ai'Mean, why'd you have to call shorty a smurf, Blue doesn't suit him" said Title jokingly
"Ai'Tle, who are you calling Shorty na?" says Perth, perhaps he sided on Plan because he wanted to be on his boyfriend's good side.
"Au... you two stop na..." Mark said, holding Mean's forearm.

"He started it..." Said Mean, still struggling to release his friend's grip
"Stay out of my sight if you dont want me to say anything"  Plan replied, he too tries to release from his friend's grip.
"You stay out of my sight, Shortbread" and Mean uses all his strengths to move his forearm from Mark's grip

Mark failed to sustain Mean's forearm, he ended up being thrown towards Gun, Gun who was in the middle stuggled to stop Mean from getting closer to Plan and with Mark being thrown at him, He falls first before Mark landed on him.

Gun wasn't even sure what happen, all he knew was Mark was coming at him, and as he falls he close his eyes thinking this will be his tragic death, but rather he feels something heavy was on top of him and he feels that something was on his lips. Only when he opens his eyes, he could see Mark's eyes widen looking at him and his lips pressed again his own lips.

The ruckus suddenly stops, Everyone was looking at Mark and Gun on the floor.

It took them a good 3 seconds until somebody finally said something.

"Huiii... Mark, Gun, are you alright?" a concerned Saint went, helping up the two.

Perth helped Mark up while Saint helped Gun.  Mark was not sure how to react, he brushed his lips with his thumb and looks at Gun, while Gun was still stunned, he couldn't believe that he kissed a guy, better yet, he kissed Mark.

"I am sorry..." Mean finally spoke
"Me too bro... sorry, come let's go...  I don't want to stay here any longer" said Plan, locking his arm on Gun's neck and forcing him to leave.

Earth gave Title a small hug and a 'saranghae' sign before joining Gun and Plan

"Call me later.." Title whispered to him.. "Bye..."  Earth said running towards GunPlan who already reached the main campus's parking lot.

Perth came to Saint who was torn between staying with his boyfriend or leaving with his friends

"Go ahead, I'll come pick you up after practice ok?" Perth said, giving Saint a quick peck on the forehead. Saint smile and replied Perth with a side hug and a quick peck on the cheek.

"Thank you.. I love you" He said, then left to catch up with his friends

Mean, Title and Perth looks at Mark who was still brushing his thumb on his lips.

"So, how does it feel?"  Mean teased him
" Shut up..." he answered, before picking up his bag, still he can feel Gun's lips on his lips.
"Aiii... C'mon na, this is not your first time kissing a guy, besides it was an accident, don't think too much" says his ever carefree friend, Perth.
"Shiiieetttt guys, P'Best and P'Kris is waiting for us at the cafeteria... quick quick.. let's go" Title said as he tuck his phone and hurriedly signals his friends to go the cafeteria.

Meanwhile Gun was still dumbfounded and shocked from what just happened

"Gun... what is wrong with you, why are you so quiet?"  Earth asked looking at Gun who is definitely not his cheery, teasing, loud self.

"Hmm.... wait wait, don't tell me na... did the kiss mean anything to you?" Asked Plan who seem clueless on what is going on.

"Ai'Plan ah, dont you know, Today is Gun's first kiss" Saint said resting his arm on Gun's shoulder. "Right?" Saint raised his left brow, giving Gun a teasing smile.

"Sheeeeeetttttt" Plan reacted. " Your first kiss is with Mark, Ai'Gun... Shieettttt"  he continued cursing.

"ACCIDENTALLY.... SHIEEETTTTT AI'PLAN, its your fault" Gun said finally conscious of his surrounding. He has been silent for so long, they were afraid his soul really did left him when he fell earlier

"How is it my fault?" Plan said scratching his head

"IT IS your fault, if you haven't call Ai'Mean names,. you wouldn't fight, then me and Mark wouldn't kiss"  Gun said "I lost my virgin lips..."  he continued talking while touching his 'now no longer pure lips'

"Auu... you should be thanking me na, Congratulations on losing your virgin lips, and getting your first kiss"  Plan joked, Saint and Earth clapped their hands while laughing histerically, now the gang are back to normal.

"Congratulations on your first kiss, the next step is losing your virginity" Earth Joked, teasing Gun

"Hahahaha... Ai'Gun, if you want to do it with Mark, me and Ai'Earth can tell our boyfriends to help you out na" Saint continues teasing Gun

"Shut up Shut up Shut up"  Gun said repeatedly. His head was still confused yet he can still feel Mark's lips on his lips, his exterior feeling protests  but deep down he enjoyed the feeling of his first kiss.

"oiiiii... enough, I am hungry, let's go to that stall over there, I want to eat their noodle"   Plan said as he pull his bag up to hias shoulder and started walking to the noodle stall.

The other three shrugs and followed behind Plan who was already walking ahead.

to be continued

A/N : How was it? I dont know if its  good but thanks for reading kha 🙏  do leave a comment on what you think. 🙂

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