Chapter 15 : I love you

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Chapter 15 : I love you

Note : /sentence/ shows character's inner thought

Gun woke up to a bright light illuminating through the unclosed curtain. Slowly he open his eyes, he saw a familiar room and he could feel something heavy pressing his chest. He look down and saw a sleeping face, he is too familiar with the face.. it was Mark. Mark has a smile plastered on his sleeping face.

/what a cute little Wolf/  He smiles at his sight. The boy who had his heart broken by a senior is finally smiling again.

Gun was hit back by a flashback of what happened last night.

"Owww...." he said, a sudden sting attacks from his lower rear.

He looks at Mark again and sigh /this guy is really a wolf na/

Gun brushed Mark's hair softly and he tangled his finger on to Mark's hair. It woke up Mark.

Mark, whose face is resting on Gun's chest looks up at Gun and smile "Good morning" he said softly.

Gun was mesmerized by Mark's 'wake up face'
/how can he look so good even when he just woke up / 

Mark flash Gun a smile, that Million sorry Billion dollar smile makes Gun feels weak. For a moment, he lost his breath. Gun's face suddenly turns crimson red, Mark's forehead creased... a worried expression plastered on his face.

"Ai'Gun, Are you alright?" Mark lift his head to check on Gun, he had his hand on Gun's forehead  checking on his temperature

"I am fine...." Gun slapped his hand away, and turn the other side, his face was now turning tomato red.

"Is it hot? Oh sorry, I should not have lean on you"  Mark said as he shifts his head to the empty pillow next to Gun

"Err... I-I don't mind....", Gun said in nervousness, he wasn't afraid, just nervous, Gun too doesn't realize it, but his face turns into a tomato and he started sweating

Mark looks at Gun, his eyes went straight to a serious gaze as he levels his eyes with Gun's eyes

This makes Gun even more nervous /Please wolf, pity my heart, your stare is killing me softly/

A soft curve begin to form on Mark's lips. It make Gun blinked. He then quickly hid his face inside the shared blanket and Gun close his eyes shut thinking this was all just a dream.

He could feel something heavy on top of him and a warm breath breeze through the blanket near his face.

"Are you Shy Ai'Gun?"  He heard the voice on the other side of the blanket.  That sexy voice made him shiver. Gun shook his head violently. His hands begin to tremble. What a terrible feeling.

/Ai'Gun, what is wrong with you, it is just Mark na woii/

Gun could feel Mark slowly removing the blanket from his hand, revealing the now if it is possible no longer a tomato face but it has turn into a red hot chilli face.

Mark touched Gun's left cheek, he flinched. Another smile form on Mark's lips, but this time, it wasn't that normal cute smile that he always flashes on everyone. Nope. This was that cunning smile when a fox always gives when he finally had his prey.

That intense stare killed Gun again and again. He wasn't sure why, probably because he couldn't grasp that he lost his virginity to the University boy in front of him. Mark was his first, and certainly he hope to be his last too

"I.... love you...." Gun said unconsciously, his mouth didn't even give him a warning, he just felt like saying what his heart wanted to say. Only when he came to, his eyes widen and he blinked vigorously.

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