Chapter 20 : Reunited

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Chapter 20 : Reunited

It's been weeks since they haven't seen their children. After the Confrontation, Plan's mom feel like they might have been too selfish. Selfish to let their decision make their own children leave them

Mr. Kijworalak stood by her even if he knows she made the wrong decision. Because she was dying that Mr. Kijworalak has to be the bad guy  while all he wants to do is let Prim and Plan live their life their own way.  A chance he was never given until he met his current wife.

"Daddy, I miss the children.. I miss them dearly" Said Mrs Kijworalak holding on to a picture frame if their family portrait.

" I know you do... I feel guilty for letting them leave,.they deserve to choose their own life to live."  said Mr Kijworalak

"Nooo.. Plan isn't the type that can live independently... I. am. afraid, I hope Mean takes good care of him.

" Alright, it's time for groceries.... Let's go" FYI apparently Mrs Kijworalak isn't getting any better yet. Without the operation, her chances of survival might be lowered, Although she is able to walk but she isn't strong enough to handle her weight , so she is now on the wheel chair, this was Mr. Kijworalak's idea too, he didn't want his wife to move to tire herself out.

" Mommy, I am sorry I can't help you get better..
I promise you I will find. a way.." said Prim and Plan's father

At the grocery store,

As Mrs Kijworalak was moving her automated wheel chair, she accidentally bumped into someone's trolley cart.

"Oh, I am sorry.. Sorry.."  as she looked up saw Mrs. Attachitsataporn didn't realize her crashing on to her cart

"Ahh.. Noi.. Its been a long time,.." said Mrs Attachitsataporn when she realized  someone was beside her cart

"Kainty.. It is been so long indeed"  Prim and Plan's mom replied

They both went silent, it was an awkward meeting, since Mean. and Plan told her what happen. But Mrs. Attachitsataporn didn't take it to heart, she is always forgiving. She initiated the small. talk

"How are you Noi, how. is the treatment?" said Mean's mother, she has to be careful not to offend Plan's mother

" I - really cant say..." said Mrs. Kijworalak

"Umm.... don't give up na, keep doing treatment and chemo...." said. Mean's mom. trying to. encourage Plan's mom.


While Plan's father was looking around at the hardware section, he bumped into Mean's father

"Hoiieee.. Its been so long friend....."  says an overly exciting Mr Kijworalak

"Woiiieee... where have you been buddy, I haven't seen you in ages.... "  Said Mr. Attachitsataporn

They both hugged each other, They are good friends from College

"Listen, I heard from Mean... and.." before Mr.Attachitsataporn can continue,  Mr. Kijworalak shhh him

"Let's not talk here, I am sure our wives is still shopping, so let's sit at the bench over there, I will tell you the real reason" Mr. Kijworalak said


" that was a long time ago,. your parents still cannot accept her.." Said Mean dad

"It's not that, I think my parents has accepted her already, but she feels like it was her fault for all the inheritance thing..."  Said Plan's dad.

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