Chapter three

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 Tony woke up from his horrific dream with a start. It was another nightmare of New York; another nightmare that he would only vaguely remember. He was in his large bedroom, the curtains closed, but still allowing some sunlight. He got up and realized he was still in yesterday's clothing.

 The man sniffed himself, and immediately was overtaken with the smell of strong alcohol. Better take a shower. He stripped of his clothing, and jumped in the large tub. Turning on the shower, he let the pulsating water flow hit his body, a nice way to wake up and face the long day ahead of him.

 He finished up and grabbed a towel wrapping it around his lower body. Walking into the kitchen, he found a note, and picked it up. It read:


 Brought you home, pretty difficult getting you all the way there. Ended up passing out in your room because you fell asleep on top of me. Explain everything later.


P. S, Pepper called, she got hung up with her meeting, gonna have to be there a while longer.

 Tony crumpled up the paper and tossed it in the garbage. He'd have to call Pepper later, let her know he misses her. But for now, he had something else on his mind. The brunette poured himself a cup of coffee and headed out to his balcony. He tried to think of what exactly had gone down last night.

Flash back- Last night- The Silver Celtics

 "Alright Stark, last one, then we gotta head out." Steve said as he observed the nearly empty bar. Only Tony and him remained, besides a bar tender and a bus boy. The two sat across from each other, their eyes bloodshot from all the drinking. They each had one last shot, but neither thought Tony could handle it. "Alright. You ready Cap?" The man slurred as he lifted the shot with a shaky hand.

 He counted them off. "One, two, three!" They downed the shots, and Tony fell out of his chair.

End flash back.

 Tony rubbed his temple with his free hand, the noise of the city construction not helping his severe hangover. He went back inside, slowly sipping his coffee as he tried to remember any more of the night. Nothing came to him. He'd have to talk to Steve after breakfast. But first, he ran into the bathroom and puked his brains out. Never again, never! "God damn super soldier." the brunette growled under his breath, wiping his mouth with a wet towel. What had he been thinking anyways? Why was it so important to prove himself to the other man?

 After his little episode, Tony went to the medicine cabinet to get some aspirin, and heard a knock at the door. He grabbed the whole bottle and stepped out of the bathroom, attempting to open the bottle with one hand. By the time he reached the door, the bottle remained closed, and some coffee had spilled onto the carpet. He put the item in his mouth and opened the door.

 A half-naked Steve stood there looking at him, his eyes serious as always. He looked as if he had just rolled out of bed; his hair was still not brushed out, and the fact that he was dressed in sweats with no shirt, well that furthered his suspicion. The brunette motioned for him to come in, and the blond accepted. He took the bottle from Tony's mouth, still not saying a word. He examined the bottle and sat on the couch, his jeans making a noise as they slid across the soft fabric.

 Steve opened the bottle, taking two pills for himself, and as Tony sat next to him, handed the open bottle over. "Thanks." he muttered, pouring out two pills into his hand. He downed them with a sip of his coffee, and then turned to Steve. "Alright, so what the hell happened last night?"

 Steve looked at him, a boyish grin on his face, making his eyes crinkle up. Tony couldn't help but smile back. "Well, what do you already know?" The blond asked. Tony quickly told him the memories he had of last night, and the soldier laughed. "Aw Stark, you missed all the best parts."

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