Chapter fourteen

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 "We need you to come in Stark, Romanoff is currently going off duty, and we'll need all the help we can get on this job." Fury's voice was stern, he obviously wasn't going to take no for an answer. He was finally calling all the Avengers in, and revealing his big plan that he had been hiding for so long. "You couldn't have worst timing Fury." Tony sighed, rubbing his eyes. "If you haven't heard already, Rogers and I aren't exactly on the best of terms right now." "I don't care about your little social problems Stark. You have a job to do, get your ass down here and do it." Fury demanded, and hung up.

 "That Fury?" Pepper muttered, turning over to look at her lover. "Yeah, needs me to come in." Tony sighed, and began to get dressed. "Romanoff is apparently going off duty for a bit, can't imagine why." "Maybe I'll stop by and see her." Pepper yawned. Tony kissed her forehead, smiling. "Have fun with that." He finished dressing, and headed out, not bothering to eat breakfast. He lost his appetite at the thought of seeing Steve. He tried to push the thought out of his mind, but it refused to be ignored. Steve was never going to truly be out of his life, there was always going to be a sense of danger of their secret slipping out.


 Steve drummed his fingers on the table, wishing everyone would get here so he could go home. He didn't mind the fact that they had a job to do; it was the thought of seeing him that made the soldier want to jump out the nearest window.

 Steve looked around to see if anyone was there yet. He noticed Bruce quietly talking with Clint, and Fury sitting at the head of the table. Natasha wasn't around, and Thor was still on Asgard.

 So really, they were just waiting on Stark. They hadn't talked since yesterday, but already it seemed like years since they had been apart. Steve slept in an empty bed alone, darkness looming that Tony used to keep away. He pushed the thought out of his mind, rubbing his eyes. He was exhausted; maybe a quick nap would do him some good. Besides, knowing Tony, he'll be fashionably late.

 Steve crossed his arms on the table, and put his head down on them. He closed his eyes, but the image of Tony's face caused them to flash open. He groaned slightly, wanting nothing more than some freaking sleep. "Everything alright Steve?" Bruce asked, taking a seat next to him. The soldier looked up at him, mouthing, "No." Bruce was about to ask what was wrong when Tony walked in. Steve immediately sat up, averting his eyes from the approaching man.

 He watched from the corner of his eye as Tony sat farther down at the table, next to Clint. They muttered something quickly to each other, before Fury cleared his throat and everyone turned their attention to him. "Thank you all for coming in today, I know I've been keeping you waiting, but we finally have the information we need." Fury leaned on the table, looking over the men.

 "We've found that one of our agents had been leaking some of our plans to a terrorist organization. We need you to go in there and stop them, destroy the plans, and all traces of it." The Avengers picked up on his emphasis of the sentence. He wanted them to kill anyone that seemed like a threat. "Why are we going after them? Doesn't this seem like something for the army?" Tony questioned, a little more than confused. "What does it matter? We have a job to do, and we need to do it." Steve growled, glaring at the brunette. He glared back, before pushing his chair out. "Let's go then. The sooner we get these guys the better."

 The others followed, going their separate ways to get themselves prepared. "Captain," Fury's voice stopped Steve in the hall as he was on his way to get his suit. "Director," Steve replied as he turned to face the man. "Keep your personal affairs out of this mission; I need all of you back alive." His voice was serious, and Steve understood. He knew that Fury was referring to the ongoing fight between the men; he was still oblivious to what had recently happened. "Understood." The soldier said, and said goodbye to Fury as he went to get his suit on.

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