Chapter two

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 “Heard you and Tony yelling last night, what the hell happened?” Clint asked, early the next morning. Steve looked up from his plate of eggs and French toast, only half eaten. “For your safety and mental health, it’s better if you don’t know.” the blond muttered, moving his eggs around on his plate. Clint decided not to push the topic, seeing the tired look in Steve's eyes. He simply sighed and took a bite of his chocolate doughnut, admiring the view.

 A few had gathered in Clint’s penthouse, which over looked the whole city. He and Tony had fought immensely over it, before they decided on a drinking game to settle their problems. It surprised everyone that the older man had lost, but everyone suspected that the usual drinker had thrown the game. Natasha joined Clint and Steve on the balcony, dressed in a flowing black nightgown. Her red hair suddenly shone in the sunlight, and the male assassin raised his hand in mock surprise. Natasha smirked at him, and kissed him good morning.

 “Eat your doughnut big guy.” she joked as she sat next to him. Clint smiled, and did as he was told. Steve looked at the couple with jealousy, a distant memory forcing its way into his current thoughts. He sipped his luke-warm coffee and grimaced. “Nothing worse than cold coffee. I’m going to get another cup, anyone want anything while I’m up?” he asked as he dumped his cup in a planter.

 Both shook their heads. Steve headed inside and walked into the earth-toned room, glad to get away from the couple. He was happy for them, but he was sick of being reminded of what he never had. The sound of jeans dragging against hardwood caused him to look over, and he saw an aggravated Tony standing by the coffee maker.

 “They're outta coffee.” The man mumbled, rubbing his tired eyes. He had stayed up late, working on one of his projects for Pepper to show off in whatever country she would be in. Steve clenched his fists, trying to keep calm. “Typical Tony.” he growled. The brunette swept a hand through his dark hair and turned around slowly. “Good morning to you too sunshine.” He smirked, but the soldier wasn’t in the mood for his jokes. He had more important things on his mind that he would rather try to ignore.

 He walked around the granite island and shoved purposefully into Tony, causing steaming black coffee to splash and burn his hand. “God dammit!” The brunette yelped, shaking his hand in pain as the coffee continued to burn him. “Funny thing for an atheist to say don’t you think?” Steve smiled, scooping Folgers into the coffee maker. Tony stared daggers into Steve’s back. “Dumb Christian.” he mumbled under his breath.

 “Drunk Atheist.” Steve replied, not hiding his dislike for the other man. Tony moved up to the blond's back, ready to turn him around and punch him. But just as he placed a hand on Steve's shoulder, someone came into the hotel room; interrupting the would-be fight.

 “Good morning ladies!” Bruce said as he entered the penthouse, a wide smile on his face, his clothes hanging loosely on his skinny frame. “You’re in a good mood, you get laid last night?” Tony joked. “Better. I just got invited to attend one of the most prestigious science conventions in New York City!" The scientist cheered, his smile growing wider with each word. "How is that better than getting laid?" The brunette asked, seemingly uninterested.

"Shut up Tony." snapped Steve. He looked at Bruce and matched his enthusiasm. "That's great Bruce! I'm really happy for you! When is it?" He patted the man on the back, who stumbled from the sudden force of Steve's hand. He straightened himself quickly, trying to cover up his meek stature.

 "Next month. It says I can bring a guest, so... Anybody want to go with me?" Bruce grinned sheepishly, obviously embarrassed for having to ask. "Count me out." Tony grumbled as he popped two slices of bread in a toaster. The scientist looked to Steve, who pursed his lips in thought. "Why don't you ask around, I'd like to go, it'd be nice to get myself acquainted with some other technology, but if you can find someone better take them." Bruce nodded in agreement, and they all stood in silence.

 The sound of the toaster popping broke the awkward feeling, and Bruce went to spread the news to the others. Steve simply stared at the coffee maker, watching the hot black liquid drip into the pot below. "So, why don't you wanna go Stark? I thought you were into all that science stuff?" Steve asked, his blue eyes still locked on the coffee maker. 

 Tony stared out into the room and sipped his coffee. The burning sensation had gone, and a dark stain was visible against his light skin. "I dunno. If Bruce can't get anybody, I'd be glad to go. But I don't like just being handed things." He smiled, thinking about the great days he had spent with Bruce in the lab. The guy truly was a genius, and often helped him out when Pepper was off at meetings. She'd been gone more often than usual, and he missed her...Liar.

 Tony became lost in his thoughts, simply staring at nothing. Steve looked up and chuckled. That man amazed, and annoyed him. Something in him stirred, something he hadn't felt since... He shook the thought of her from his mind. No reason to get upset about her now. He grabbed Tony's toast and put it on a plate, feeling nice. He sighed, and cast one last look at the man, before shaking his head in amusement and walking out to the balcony.

 Tony snapped out of his daydream to see he was now alone in the kitchen, and his slices of toast had been put out. He decided not to question it, and simply pulled out the butter from the refrigerator. It's going to be a long day. Tony thought, and made his way out to the balcony, leaving the bright sun to melt the butter on the counter.


 "Bartender! Another round please!" Tony called across the room, his words slurring. Clint, Bruce, Tony, and Steve had gathered at their regular bar, The Silver Celtics. The bar played good music, and wasn't filled with loud and rowdy teens. It was a good place for drinking games, such as tonight.

 Bruce passed on the drinks, wanting to be sure he was in full control of himself at all times. He sipped lightly on his iced tea, laughing at Clint, who looked on the verge of passing out. His eyes were blood shot, probably from having downed five shots and chasing it with vodka. Tony of course was still fine, having built up an unhealthy tolerance to the drink. Steve turned down the alcohol. He wasn't too keen on drinking, even if it didn't affect him.

 This'll be hilarious to watch in the morning. Thought Steve, a smile spreading across his handsome face. Clint looked in disdain at Tony, a pitiful look in his eyes. "No, n-no more." the assassin mumbled. Bruce took one last gulp of his iced tea, and placed a five on the table. "I think it's time to get him home. You guys wanna catch a cab or should I come back for you two?" Tony dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

 "Nah, I'll call us a cab. You look like you need a good night's sleep. We won't be out much later." The brunette told him as the bartender came over with a round of shots. "Get gone. We'll be in before four."

Bruce laughed and helped Clint out of his chair. He stumbled blindly, bumping into the table and causing the drinks to shake. "Oh, before I forget. Give me your keys." He was obviously referring to Tony, but his pockets were empty. Clint had begun walking towards the door, but spun on his heels to wave goodbye.

 "Night guys!" The assassin yelled. The two men waved to him, watching as Bruce quickly ran to catch the almost falling Clint. As soon as they were out of the bar, Tony turned to Steve, a fun thought on his mind. "What do ya say Capsicle? Feeling dangerous?" Tony smiled, his teeth shining in the dim light. Steve would normally have turned him down. He normally would've called Tony an idiot. But tonight, he was up for it.

 "Alight Stark, you're on." This'll be too easy. They each took a shot, and the game was ready to begin. "Count of three. One, two, three!"


Eh? Eh? Whatcha think? :D Don't worry, there's gonna be a layover of this chapter onto the next, I thought it'd be better to cut it off there though. So.... Yeah :D

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