A Day with 'Lady Emaline'

Start from the beginning

When we got to the caterer I noticed that it was actually a fancy Italian place. I absolutely love Italian food so I was so looking forward to free samples. As soon as we walked in the manager rushed over to Emaline. He was attractive, tall, Italian and dark haired, broad shoulders. He wore a black suit with a bow tie.

“You must be Miss. Emaline Cabrera?” He asked uncertain. Emaline nodded and he smiled then looked to me and the smile became a grin. “And you are?” He asked me, but before I could answer Ema cut me off.

“She’s my sister in law, Vanessa. Is there somewhere we can sit and talk to the chef?” Ema asked rapidly.

The waiter looked to her and then away, embarrassed. “Yes ma’am. Right this way.” He said before turning away from the lounge. We followed him for a little while until we were brought to a private room by the kitchen.

It was large and the walls were a deep maroon. The linings of the walls and baseboards were all trimmed with gold. In the center of the room was a long table that was filled with all kinds of dishes that I don’t know the names of but smelled delicious. In the center of the table there were all kind of tasty looking pastries. Ema and I both inhaled deeply and both of our stomachs growled. Instead of getting embarrassed we both simply looked at each other and started laughing.

“Yes well, you both may begin sampling what Chef Arazo has set out for you to try. Keep track of what you like, because he will be asking your favorites when he comes in.” The waiter said as he walked forward and pulled out two chairs toward the middle of the table, in front of the desserts for Ema and I.

“Thank you.” We both said as we sat. The waiter soon left the room and we dug in.


When we got back to the pack house, I was so stuffed and tired I didn’t think I would be able to shower before falling asleep. After Ema and I had sampled literally everything the chef set out for us, and she told him her favorites. We went by the hairdresser where Ema had Miss Lisa, who was actually a gay man, very flamboyant and amusing. Do a trial run of how she wanted her hair. While we were there Ema insisted that I try something different too seeing as I’d never even spent more than $20 on a haircut. I got my hair dyed a lighter brown with red low lights and cut bangs.

From the hairdresser we went to find what Ema called ‘back up’ dresses for the party and then shopping for accessories and other things that we probably didn’t need but wanted. I insisted that Ema not buy me anything but that argument soon proved to be pointless.

We trudged out of the elevator and Ema went left down the hallway to her room while I went right, down the hall to Caeden and I’s room. Unsurprisingly, Caeden wasn’t there, so I threw my things into the closet and stripped down to my underwear, not bothering to find a shirt to wear. Just as I was about to pull the sheets back my phone began to ring.

I looked around trying to find it, and found it in the closet hidden in one of my shopping bags. When I saw it was Angie my heart dropped and I got happy tears, immediately answering the phone.

“Hey…” I said, unsure of how to approach her, or why she was calling.

“Hey Ness…” Angie trailed off sounding torn.

“What’s up?” I asked after a short pause.

“Look, I….I really feel bad about everything that happened and I was wondering if you could meet me somewhere to try and work things out.” She said, pausing for my response. For some reason my wolf felt edgy about the situation but I just pushed her away. She doesn’t understand mine and Angie’s friendship.

Finding Your Mate at His Bachelor Party?...Awkward. (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now