What's Mine? (MSC)

15 1 0

Status: Alive

"And. . .they're gone." Hyunjin turned around after closing the main door of the apartment.

"Let's get it."

I plugged in my desktop into a socket located on a wall in the living room then placed the device on a table as Changbin and Hyunjin sat relatively close to each other, leaving space for me to take a seat in between them on the couch and get to work.

I pulled out my notebook from my bag and opened it to the page containing our names and corresponding codes.

"You wrote down on all of our codes?" Changbin lifted his head up to look at me to his right, "Smart."

"I just thought it might be useful." I replied, reading over Felix' code which I would use to find out his hidden surname and track him down.

"So, this is where you live, Changbin?" Hyunjin asked the oldest boy.

"Yep. I heard you live in a mansion." Changbin replied.

I lifted my head up just the slightest from my notebook to interrupt the conversation. "Does it matter though?"

"I never said it did." Changbin mumbled, folding his large arms across his thighs while leaning over.

"Do we need to figure out traits again?" Hyunjin said after a few moments of silence.

"Hold on." I say once finished adding up the numbers within Felix' code: 201000 to get the final digit of 3. "There are three letters in Felix' surname if the formula is once again valid and my calculation is correct."

"Which means three characteristics that make up Felix' life in the living realm?" Hyunjin added.

I nodded at that before Changbin quietly asked a question which could only have been lead by curiosity. "You'd have to know us really well, right? W-What were my traits? That make up my life and stuff."

"Hyunjin's traits made up his life, while yours were just simple characteristics." I looked at him, leaning back on the couch, "S-E-O. Your traits were sarcastic, empathetic and oblivious."

The oldest boy's eyebrows furrowed a bit. "Really? I'm sarcastic?"

"Sometimes. . ." I sighed. "I could be wrong because there are thousands of traits that start with those letters. I was just lucky enough to find one that suits you."

"C'mon, we need to get to work." Changbin said, running a hand through his raven coloured hair.

"Felix is. . ." I mumbled.

"Energetic. He's so full of energy, all the time. It's gotta be one of them." Hyunjin finished my sentence as Changbin picked up a pen from the table in front of us and opened up a fresh page in my notebook that he took for himself to write down the said word.

"He's does and says things absentmindedly a lot of the time." I suggested, "Write that down too."

"Kay," Changbin fixed the notebook on his lap and followed my instruction.

"He's bubbly."



"Too broad, Hyunjin."

"Fine, Awkward."



"Determined? I dunno."

"Slow down," Changbin chuckled softly as he wrote even faster. "Y'all are so desperate to die."

Silence took over the room, but Changbin's statement was not wrong at all. All of us had to be desperate to die or my plan would not work.

Imagine living in paradise for the rest of your life. Not having to worry about anything. . .

My eyes scanned the room and subtly towards the visible lumps on the surface of Changbin's hoodie. Those were obviously his handy-dandy containers of substances he was addicted to as much as he didn't want to be—and Hyunjin's phone that he just so happened to pull out at this moment, that contained multiple messages from what seemed to be a group chat that Hyunjin paid no attention to. . .because they weren't really his friends that were blowing up his expensive ass phone.

. . .Imagine not having to deal with your biggest storms in life.

What's mine?

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