Two Worlds.

122 4 0

Status: Alive

I sat alone in my small antique bedroom. Window blinds open just the slightest, enough to see the pouring rain trickling down it, on this warm spring evening.

I shifted a bit on my bed at the favourable scent of heavily seasoned spaghetti coming from the old wooden door located at the front of my room.

It was just a few moments before my mother would call me.

"Jeongin-ah, you want to starve?!" She yelled.

I got out of bed and walked downstairs slowly, still in my pyjamas because I didn't change my clothes today.

"Eat up." My mother clapped her hands together as she took a seat in front of me.

Downstairs was quite dark, the only thing bringing light was the dangerously dangling light bulb above the dining table.

"You won't say thank you?" She furrowed her eyebrows at me.

I stayed silent as my eyes trailed off to the empty seat at the edge of the table.

Like the many incomplete families in this world or plotted family storylines, I didn't have a father.

He ran away, because he wanted to. I didn't care, but because I didn't have a father, I only had my mom. She worked hard to provide for me and herself. We were on the poor end of finances because my dad took all of his earned money with him when he left.

If he wanted to leave a good impression on himself, that was a bad idea, because know I only remember his as selfish.

He was the one keeping everything in order until he disappeared.

I don't know why, but I couldn't bring myself to love my mom wholeheartedly. I don't think she loves me, even with everything she's doing. It's not that she just hasn't said those three words, but she never hugs me, or tells me goodnight or good morning, asks me how I'm doing at school, buys me new clothes when I need them, watches movies with me, talks much with me, and so on. I wanted to be treated like her child, but at this point, I don't care.

I just know that I would be better off own my own. I would.

Digging my fork into my plate, I ignored my mother and began to eat slowly.

It was a silent dinner.

• • •

"That's it for today, you're dismissed when the bell rings." My teacher said.

I closed my red, coiled, notebook at the statement and immediately rested my head on top of it, staring out into the large window that my classroom held on the east.

A tall male walked in front of my view, turning to face a girl who was sitting in her desk. I never took the time really memorize most of the names of the students in any of my classes, it was kind of an issue.

"Jinha. . .be my girlfriend." The boy said confidently.

Oh, that's her name.

A smile grew on Jinha's face as she fixed her posture to sit up straight.

"Accept him!" A crowd of students began to chant. "Accept him! Accept him! Accept hi-

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