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Thanksgiving came and went, followed all too quickly by Christmas. Kristine and Danielle spend the holiday season as cozy and intimate occasions amongst themselves. Abby visited for a few days just after the new year and Kristine was thrilled to spend time with her friend. Abby was a little surprised to her of Kristine and Danielle's relationship, but as she thought more on it, she realized she wasn't surprised at all. She was glad to see her friend so happy.

Kristine was set to begin nursing school in the spring semester and spent a lot of time reading up while Danielle worked. She still helped Danielle in her shop and even learned a little about how to blow glass, although she wasn't very good. After a blistering burn to her hand, she decided to leave the glass blowing to Danielle.

Things were going very well. With every passing day, Kristine felt her confidence growing. She felt safe and her emotional wounds truly began to heal. She still had occasion nightmares and flashbacks, but with Danielle, she worked through them. She felt stronger and that made all the difference to her.

This particular night, was a blizzard of rapidly falling snow. They were happy cuddled up in bed, watching a movie. Both women, however were more focused on their dancing tongues and groping hands rather than the movie.

"I want you to touch me...I mean really touch me." Kristine whispered against Danielle's lips.

Danielle smirked. This was something Kristine had yet to want since they first became intimate. At heart, she was a giver and although she loved what the woman did to her, she wanted to return the favor and then some.

"I would love that." Danielle moaned softly. Her hands lifted Kristine's shirt and she pressed her lips to the woman's bare chest. Kristine tugged at Danielle's shirt and grazed her nails against the bare skin of her shoulders. She moaned as Danielle sucked and teased her nipples before gently laying her on her back.

Danielle kissed lower, lips pressed just below Kristine's navel as she gripped the woman's pajama bottoms and slid them off along with her panties. She wasted no time easing Kristine's legs apart and laying on her stomach between them. She rested her cheek against one of Kristine's thighs and rubbed her hand over the other.

Danielle kissed and licked and teased. She loved the way Kristine moaned and pushed herself closer, asking for more without words. Danielle gave her what she so desperately wanted. Kristine learned first hand how wonderful things could be, should be. Danielle smiled and licked her fingers clean as the woman reached her climax. She crawled up her body to kiss her, but paused cupping Kristine's cheeks.

"Oh god. You're crying. Baby, I would have stopped if you asked me to." Danielle said wiping at the tears with her thumbs.

Kristine smiled and shook her head. "No I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cry. That was phenomenal." She sighed contently, raising her head to meet Danielle's lips.

Danielle grinned as the kiss broke and lay beside Kristine. Their bodies curled together into a familiar and comfortable snuggled position. "I love you, Kristine."

"I love you too." Kristine smiled. "Thank you for always being exactly what I need."

The bond between the women only grew stronger with time. They each reveled in their newfound peace and happiness with each other in their serene, mountain life. Kristine loved the long, meditative commute to town as when she started school. She loved the profession of nursing and soon began clinicals working in pediatrics. She thrived in her new profession and finally felt whole again. She found her new home to be the perfect retreat after a long day of school and work. She found her life with Danielle to be fulfilling in ways she never imagined possible. She found that happiness was achievable.

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