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"Please stop pacing, you're making me dizzy" Danielle complained from the couch. Kristine shot her a look and continued walking from one end of the living room to the other. Duke's eyes followed her back and forth, his head cocked to the side.

"You don't get it" Kristine whined. Nervous was an understatement for what Kristine was feeling at the moment. She'd barely slept after the bear incident and what little sleep she got was restless. Today Mother Elena would arrive and Kristine wasn't ready.

"I can empathize" Danielle said with a shrug. She felt bad for the woman who so clearly did not want to go back to her previous life. Kristine told her it wasn't easy to just leave the convent.

"You don't get it" Kristine repeated.

"Then explain it" Danielle suggested.

The morning had gone by in a rush, leaving both women exhausted. Mark from animal control had only left about an hour ago, having packed up the bear. In the light of day, Danielle had quite a mess on her hands. She hosed down the area the best she could and now sat on the couch, fresh from a shower watching Kristine incessantly pace.

Kristine sighed and plopped down next to Danielle. "Elena is a tough woman. She's your stereotypical bitter old nun." She explained and Danielle laughed only to be met with a serious scowl.

"Sorry" Danielle cleared her throat and blushed. "Go on."

"She practically raised me. She holds the role of Mother Superior. Which means she's in charge of everything. I essentially need her blessing to leave the convent. And that won't be an easy feat." Kristine sighed again, rubbing her temples.

"Why not? After everything you've been through, surely she can understand why you wouldn't want to continue working for the religious order." Danielle mused.

Kristine let out a dry laugh. "She'll see my ordeal as having been...a test of faith" Kristine said searching for the right words. "My desire to leave the convent is a show of failure."

"That's bullshit."

"I'm alive" Kristine continued, ignoring Danielle's statement "Which is a testament of God looking out for me. Nevermind the horrible things that happened. My relationship with God should be stronger in her eyes."

"It still sounds like bullshit to me" Danielle shrugged.

"God tests us in mysterious ways" Kristine simply stated.

"Do you really believe that?"

"I did. I probably would still if it hadn't happened to me. And I know it's terrible to say that, but it makes a difference."

"Of course it makes a difference. This Elena character has to understand that."

Kristine only shook her head. "Everything happens for a reason. It's all part of God's plan" She said in a mocking tone.

"That's bullshit."

"Please stop saying that."

"It's true."

"It's crude."

To that Danielle laughed causing Kristine to frown. "Do you still believe in God?"

"I don't know" Kristine said softly. "Do you?" She asked, wondering if the woman would answer or dodge the question.

"I never really did" Danielle replied after a moment.

"Why not?"

Danielle chewed her bottom lip, unsure how to really answer the question. There were some things better left unsaid. "I just can't buy into it all, I guess."

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