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Danielle did her best to get back to her normal. She spent a lot of time in her workshop and went on long hikes with Duke when she wasn't working. She tried hard to keep Kristine from her mind, but the nun always found a way of slipping into her thoughts.

She thought about her conversation with Jamie. She wasn't falling for Kristine, that would be ridiculous. The woman was a nun after all. Not to mention the terrible things she'd been through. Then, of course on top of that, they'd only spent a few days together. That's hardly enough time to fall for someone. But dammit if Kristine hadn't made Danielle feel...something.

Something she hadn't felt in a long time. There was a reason Danielle avoided relationships. All of the feelings made her head hurt.

"God, what is wrong with me?!" Danielle said shaking her head. Duke cocked his head to the side and gave her a look.

"She and I could never be, so why can't I get her out of my mind?" She pondered, pacing the kitchen as she made dinner. "And it's not like she'd want anything from me other than friendship" She continued on.

"But damn, she really is a looker don't you think?" She looked at Duke with a smirk.

"What is wrong with me!" She said again, blushing at her own train of thought. She carried on an entire mental conversation, reminding herself of all her short comings. She finished cooking and sat down with a plate of food she no longer wanted.

"Fuck I really do miss her.." She whined aloud. Duke whined back at her and came to rest his head on her thigh. She scratched behind his ears and gave him a wistful look. "You miss her to, huh bud?"

"Ugh four years I've spent out here. Just you and me, Duke. I love our life here, there was nothing I would change. But now?" She trailed off, slapping her thigh which caused Duke to grunt and lift his head.

"Four days with her...four days and I can't get the woman off my mind. Four fucking days and I miss her, Duke. Suddenly it's not the same without her. For the first time in a reaalllyyy long time, I'm fucking lonely....how pathetic." Danielle ranted.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Come on let's get you a treat you big baby" She looked at Duke who had cowered away from her. His ears perked up at the mention of a treat and he was at her side in an instant as she rummaged through the pantry for doggie treats.

"Thank you for listening to me bitch" She chuckled tossing the dog a biscuit.


After Kristine's declaration, a weight lifted of her chest. She'd known before she even returned to convent that she didn't want to stay. She couldn't. Not after everything she'd been through.

She was a good girl and always had been. As a child, she was bright and got good grades. She cared about others and was alwayd more than willing to offer a helping hand. She'd done everything that was asked of her and usually with a genuine smile on her face.

During her teenage years, she never rebelled like most of the other girls she grew up with. She was respectful and kept her focus on school. She didn't care about boys or dating, never tried drugs, or broke any rules. When the opportunity to stay with the church and prepare to take her vows arose, she was thrilled.

Kristine loved and cherished her relationship with God. She was raised by nuns in a home for girls, but her love of her faith was not forced on her. It was something she nurtured and took the time to understand for herself. It meant something to her. Behind every triumph or struggle, God was there, her faith was strong. And then He wasn't there, He wasn't listening, He didn't help.

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