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  Danielle ignored the alarm bells that went of in her mind as the woman beside her dropped her face to her hands and cried. Tears fell freely and her body shook from her sobs. Kristine made no attempt to wipe her tears as her head lifted and her gaze met Danielle's.

  Kristine opened her mouth to speak and closed it. She did this a few more times as the words just wouldn't come. She fisted her hands on her bare knees and shook her head slowly, blowing out a long breath. Danielle watched this all in silence, growing more and more uncomfortable. She didn't know how to console the broken woman and in all honesty was scared by her show of emotion. Danielle could barely understand her own feelings, let alone someone else's.

  Once again Danielle studied the woman's condition. She wanted to call for help, but Kristine's earlier pleas froze her in place. The women sat together in silence until Danielle finally broke it by standing abruptly.
  "Um well if you don't want to go to the hospital, you can get cleaned up here" She said walking out of the room. Kristine watched as she disappeared into a room down the hall. She returned a few moments later with a towel and fresh clothes.

  "The bathroom is down the hall on the right" she said handing over the towel and clothes. Kristine took them with a small smile and stood.

  "Thank you...for everything" She replied quietly heading in the direction of the bathroom. Danielle nodded, still dumbfounded by the whole situation. She watched as the other woman walked down the hall. A deep blush crept up her neck as she noticed the woman's bare behind, only partially covered by the flannel shirt. She looked away quickly and leaned her head onto the back of the couch.

  Kristine sighed as the hot spray of the shower touched her skin. The water stung in places where her body was wielded cuts and scrapes, but she accepted the sting as she washed herself. It had been so long since she'd had a proper shower. She watched in disgust as the water tinted a rusty brown at her feet. A mixture of blood and dirt. She groaned, trying to push the thoughts out of her head that caused her eyes to sting, ready to shed fresh tears.

  "Good morning!" A cheerful voice beckoned to Kristine. She turned to the sound of the voice and returned the greeting with a smile. She met the gaze of a middle aged man with kind eyes. His short dark hair was gelled back and his appearance well groomed. He seemed to be a man who took care of himself.

  "Is this where I can drop off a donation?" The man asked, waving to the building behind Kristine.

  "Yes it is" She smiled.

  "Great! I have a few boxes in the car" He pointed over his shoulder. "The wife and I finally did some spring cleaning. It's amazing the stuff we've held onto. Our kids are grown and we have no need to hang onto all their childhood things" He chuckled.

  Kristine smiled and walked with the man to his car parked at the curb to help unload the boxes. "It's very kind of you to donate those things. We're always in need here and the children are always thrilled to have new things"

  He opened the sliding door of his van and Kristine stepped closer to help unpack. She reached for the first box, which was heavier than anticipated. She leaned further in, placing a knee on the floor for better leverage. "Here let me help you" The man smiled. She shifted her position as he got into the van to push the box from the other side.

  The chain of events that took place from that moment we're a blur. Kristine felt a sharp pin prick to her arm and her consciousness quickly began to fade. She was pulled inside and the door slid shut behind her before she realized what was happening. Her vision blurred and she couldn't control her body. The man was back in the driver's seat and driving off as Kristine's world faded to black.

  Kristine shut off the shower and wrapped the towel around her. She wiped the foggy mirror and studied the bags under her eyes. She sighed heavily, combing her fingers through her hair before drying off and dressing in the clothes Danielle gave her. The hung loosely on her, but she didn't mind. She wiped away at tears and took a deep breath. She was so sick of crying. After one last glance in the mirror she hung her towel and walked out of the bathroom.

  The smell of bacon filled the air as Kristine returned to the living room area. Danielle's ranch style home had an open concept and Kristine saw her busy in the kitchen as she approached. "Feel better?" Danielle asked when she noticed the other woman.

  "Yes, thank you" Kristine smiled. She hesitated a moment before walking the rest of the way to the kitchen and taking a seat on a barstool at the granite countertop island.

  "Sure. Are you hungry?" Danielle asked her deep brown eyes meeting Kristine's light blue ones. A flicker of recognition danced in Danielle's mind seeing the woman without dirt and blood caked over her body. Danielle couldn't quite place her finger on why the woman seemed familiar all of a sudden, but shrugged away the thought for now.

  "Starving" Kristine let out a soft laugh.

  "I made BLTs" Danielle smiled as she finished assembling the sandwiches. She slid a plate across the island then turned to grab two glasses and filled them with water from a pitcher in the fridge.

  "That sounds great, thank you." Kristine took a sip of water and then bit into her sandwich. Danielle sat opposite her and began eating her own food. She had been hungry, but watching Kristine eat, she realized the woman wasn't kidding when she said she was starving.

  "So..." Danielle prompted wanting to know this woman's story. "How did you wind up in the woods?" She asked.

  Kristine wiped at her mouth with a napkin and looked up. "Well I don't know exactly to be honest" She shrugged.

  "Well what do you know?" Danielle asked, trying to hide her frustration.

  Kristine sighed. She knew she had to explain herself, but she just wasn't ready for the repercussions. "Where are we?" She asked instead.

  Danielle furrowed her brow. "Just outside of Asheville" She said slowly.

  "North Carolina" Kristine stated and Danielle nodded. A few minutes went by in silence and Danielle waited, hoping Kristine would explain something. Anything.

  Danielle sighed loudly, taking her empty plate to the sink. "Are you going to tell me what's going on Kristine?" She sighed again turning to face the woman.

  "I don't know where to start" Kristine replied softly.

  "The beginning...?" Danielle prodded.

  This time Kristine sighed, she pushed her empty plate aside and took a drink of water. She scratched at the back of her neck and her eyes darted everywhere except the other woman's face.

  "I was abducted" Kristine finally said, barely above a whisper. Danielle's mouth hung open and suddenly she knew why the woman seemed familiar. Her face had plastered every news channel for weeks.

  "You're the nun from Virginia" Danielle murmured earning a curt nod from Kristine.

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