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Danielle brought tea to the women and then excused herself from the house. She took Duke and went on a short walk in the woods. She was not much of a people person and found herself anxious having house guests, especially considering they were nuns. A part of her just wanted to escape judgemental eyes, although no one was judging her.

Kristine and Abby chatted excitedly at their reunion. The two had grown up together and been best friends since they were toddlers. Elena sat quietly letting the two catch up on everything that had been happening at the parish for the last month. It was though Kristine had left on vacation rather than having been ripped from her home. None of the women spoke of the abduction and Kristine was relieved for that.

"Ladies, we really ought to be getting on the road." Elena said interrupting the chatting women.

Abby frowned "But Mother Elena, it's such a long drive. Can't we wait until morning?" She wasn't thrilled at the idea of spending six more hours in the car so soon after arriving.

"I'm sure Danielle wouldn't mind if you stayed the night." Kristine added.

Elena checked her watch which stated the time as 3 in the afternoon. The drive had left her exhausted, but they needed to get back to the convent. "I think that would be unwise." She stated.

"I think it would be unsafe to drive such a long way at night especially without being properly rested" Abby challenged and Kristine covered her mouth to hide the giggles.

Elena shot the women a mean glare "If we leave now, we'll be home by 10."

"But--" Abby started, only to be cut off.

"Do not challenge me, Abigail." Elena stood and smoothed her hands over her dress slacks. "Kristine do you have everything you need?"

"I don't have anything here" Kristine replied. Anxious butterflies filled her belly at the thought of leaving. She wanted to refuse, but knew if she really left the convent, she had to go through the proper channels.

"Alright. It's settled then. Step to, ladies." Elena ordered. Both women stood like chastised children.

"I'd like to say goodbye to Danielle first." Kristine said and Elena nodded.

"Well be quick about it, we really need to be on the road soon."

Kristine sighed, but nodded politely. She peeked out a window at the front of the house and spotted Danielle and Duke walking back. She opened the front door as they approached and Danielle recognized the look in her eye.

"You're leaving?" Danielle asked softly.

"Yes" Kristine replied as Danielle walked into the house. Elena and Abby walked out, saying quick goodbyes and thanks to Danielle who watched as they got into the car.

"Well. I guess this is it then, huh?" Danielle sighed, rubbing at her chest where a tight pressure was forming. She knew Kristine would be leaving, but suddenly she realized how fond of the woman she had become. She couldn't admit it out loud, but she knew she would miss Kristine and was a little heart broken to see her leave.

Kristine smiled sadly and nodded. She wrapped her arms around Danielle and hugged her tightly. "Thank you so much for everything." She whispered and kissed Danielle's cheek, her lips lingering just a moment too long. She pulled away with watery eyes and crouched down to Duke's level. She scratched behind his ears and kissed his nose before standing back up.

Danielle swallowed the lump in her throat. She was terrible with goodbyes and couldn't find the words. "I wish you the best. Know that you're welcome back any time." She croaked as the words stuck in her throat.

Kristine gently laid her hand on the woman's shoulder, leaning in to kiss her cheek once more. "Thank you" She looked back to the car where Elena and Abby waited and blew out a long breath. Tears pricked at her eyes, but she fought them off. She didn't understand what she was feeling for Danielle, but it was strong and her heart ached as she made her way to the car. With one small wave and a sad smile, she got into the backseat. Elena honked the horn twice as the car drove down the drive and out of sight.

Danielle watched frozen in place, standing outside her front door long after the car was gone. Duke whined and nudged her, bringing her back to reality. She sighed heavily and walked back into her all too quiet home.


"She just looked so sad, ya know?" Danielle murmured. The media had caught wind of Kristine's return and once again her face was plastered on the news. Kristine had smiled for the cameras at her welcoming brigade, but the smile didn't touch her eyes. The smile was fake. Her eyes looked empty, void of all emotion.

"Mhmm" Jamie mumbled.

"I know she doesn't want to be there. She told me herself, she didn't want to do it anymore." Danielle mused.

"Seriously?!" Jamie muttered, annoyance clear in her tone. She bite the inside of Danielle's thigh and sat back on her heels. "Can you at least pretend like you're enjoying yourself?"

Danielle yelped at the bite and looked down at Jamie with apologetic eyes. "Sorry. It's just..I-"

"I know. I know" Jamie said softly, wiping her hand across her chin. "I get if you wanna talk about it and I'm totally willing to listen... but fuck! can you just not do it while I'm going down on you?" She complained, sliding off the bed to throw on an oversized shirt. She'd spent the better part of an hour listening to Danielle yap about Sister Kristine.

She'd offered a metaphoric shoulder to cry on. It was quite interesting learning her friend had played a vital role in the rescue and return of Sister Kristine. Danielle was the one who turned things into a seductive distraction. Not that Jamie minded, of course, but she made the false assumption that it meant the Kristine conversation was over, at least for now.

"Sorry" Danielle repeated. She ran her hands through her hair and tugged. The last week without Kristine had been weird. She'd always craved her mountain life solitude. She thrived on it. But she couldn't get the nun off her mind. She missed Kristine. Her house suddenly felt empty.

"What business do you have falling for a nun anyway? Do you realize how stupid that is?" Jamie said, the bed dipping slightly as she sat back down, leaning up against the headboard.

"I'm not in love with her" Danielle retorted with a huff, sitting up as well. "I just..feel so bad for her."

"Yeah. Okay" Jamie rolled her eyes. "It's pretty clear to me what's going on, even if you're too dumb too realize it."

"Hey! Fuck you!" Danielle lightly punched the other woman's shoulder.

"Dani, I've known you a long time. You try hard to hide your feelings, but I see through you." Jamie shrugged, rubbing her shoulder.

"Like you said, it would be stupid to fall for a nun."

"The heart wants what the heart wants" Jamie said in a mocking, sing- songy tone. "Or some shit like that."

Danielle laughed and rolled her eyes. She sighed heavily and pounded the back of her head against the headboard. "Ugh what is wrong with me?"

"Ohhh where to even begin..." Jamie laughed, earning another punch to the shoulder.

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