Chapter 6:Realizing Jennifer is a Vampire and Orochimaru

Start from the beginning

The fight finally ended with Sakura on the ground. I closed my eye's trying to calm myself down, but I couldn't, I knew something was bound to happen. I opened my eye and looked around, there standing in front of me was a guy with grey hair and a mask around his mouth. Who was this now? I wondered to myself, "You have no right to hurt one of my students" he said, "Oh really? I have no right to hurt her? Tell her that, she was the one that hurt me" I said and then opened both eye's. Sasuke came over to me and noticed the guy in front of me, "Kakashi.." He said, I turned to Sasuke and gave him a confused look. Who was this guy? "Sasuke, who is this?" I asked looking over at Sasuke, Sasuke looked over at me and spoke, "This is the guy that trains me, his name is Kakashi" he said and I looked over at Kakashi, "How do you do ma'am?" Kakashi asked, I looked at him, "Good" Kakashi bowed down to me and when he came back up he looked at me straight in the eye's. "I can sense your a vampire" he said and my head quickly shot up to him, since I was looking at Sasuke before my head shot up at Kakashi. "You are correct Kakashi" I said and everyone except him and Sasuke gasped at me, 'How can you tell she is a vampire Kakashi?" Sauske asked his trainer, "I can sense things Sasuke" was all he said, and left.  I turned my body to Sasuke and looked at him straight in the eyes, "When do you have to leave to go see that Orochimaru guy?" I asked Sasuke, Sasuke looked at me straight in the eye's as well, "About now" he said and I frowned. Sasuke put a hand on my shoulder, "You'll be okay Jennifer" he said and I pushed his hand off my shoulder, I walked away ignoring everyone's call, I finally got away from them and found somewhere to relax myself. 

I sat near a tree closed my eye's, I floated in the air again. My body soon turned into it's human form and my eye's went to their normal soft red color. I sighed to myself and when I looked up I saw Sasuke in the tree, how did I not notice him before? I wondered to myself. Sasuke jumped off the tree and landed right in front of me, "What do you want?" I asked still kind of mad at him for wanting to go to Orochimaru, "I want you to understand why I am going to him" I became angry more because I understood what he wanted and what he was saying, "I understand what you want and what you are saying" I said, "Then why are you angry at me?" he asked with his face softened like he was sorry he did something bad to me. I sighed, "Because Orochimaru is a bad person. He killed my parents" I said and walked away, if he didn't care that Orochimaru killed my parent's, then I can't accept being his girlfriend or friend anymore. I'm not gonna be friends or date someone who is going against me like that, it's not right. I came up to my house when I was grabbed by the wrist again, I turned around and found Sasuke there, "Why do you keep following me?" I asked and took my hand out of his grip, "Because I love you Jennifer" he said, "I'm sorry Sasuke, but I can't be with someone or be friends with that person if they go against me like that" I said and turned around. "But...but...." was all he said before I slapped him. "You don't get it Sasuke!" I yelled at him starting to cry, the only person who did get it was my brother, "The only person who got it was my brother. Only me and my brother got it" I yelled once more before I opened my door and stepped in, closing the door on Sasuke.

-A few day's later-

I was in my room hanging upside down, letting my arms hang down with the rest of my body as well. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, "Come in" I said thinking it was Matt, but I was wrong, it was Sasuke. I sighed, "What now Sasuke?" I asked and when Sasuke saw me hanging upside down his eyes went wide. "Does that not hurt you? Hanging upside down like that" he said eyeing the position I was in. "No Sasuke, hanging upside down is natural for us vampires" I said and Sasuke nodded walking over to me, when he was finally underneath me he looked up at me. "What can I do to make it up to you?" Sasuke asked, I thought about it for a second before answering his question. "You could stay with me and not go to see that evil guy" I simply said. Sasuke knew why I wanted him to stay away from that guy. "I'm sorry Jennifer, but I can't" Sasuke said with a sigh. "Well...." I said trailing off, and before I could answer him my door opened to reveal Matt. I looked over at Matt and so did Sasuke, "Who are you and what are you doing in my sisters room" Matt said kind of getting mad at Sasuke because he was in my room without Matt knowing. "I'm Sasuke Uchiha and I am in your sisters room because I am trying to talk to her" Sasuke said to my brother, my brother eyed Sasuke for a moment before realizing who he was. "Your brother is Itachi Uchiha, correct?" Matt asked Sasuke, Sasuke nodded his head yes and looked up at me. "I'm sorry Jennifer...but I have to go see him" he said, I nodded understanding why, but I didn't want him to.

Matt looked at Sasuke with a confused look on his face, "Why are you sorry?" Matt asked, Sasuke looked at me then at my brother, "Because he want's to go to Orochimaru to train" I said answering for Sasuke. "For what?" Matt asked, "Because I want to kill my brother" Sasuke said and looked back at me with awe. "Why do you want to kill Itachi?" Matt asked, "Because he killed his girlfriend and our whole clan" Sasuke said, my eyes went wide at what he had just said. Is what he's saying true? It has to be all true...he wouldn't lie to me....would he? I wondered to myself and looked at Sasuke. "Really?" Matt asked, Sasuke shook his head yes and looked back up at me. "I'm sorry Jennifer, but I have to go see him. I have to go"  Sasuke said, 'Wait a second Sasuke" I said before he was out the door, Sasuke turned around to face me and looked at me, waiting for me to continue. "Where are you going now?' I asked, "I am going to go see him now Jennifer, I'm sorry" he said and walked away from me. I sighed when I heard the door downstairs close, Matt came closer to me and hung upside down with me on my ceiling, "Are you okay kid?" he asked, I gave Matt the death glare and he backed away a bit. I stopped giving Matt the death glare and sighed again, "I just don't want him to leave" I said and Matt understood what I was feeling. "Is he your boyfriend or something?" he asked, I nodded. "Then why don't you go follow him" Matt asked me. "You mean like stalk him?" I asked, Matt nodded and I kind of smiled. "Matt, for once you have a good idea" I said laughing and getting off the ceiling. "Thanks Matt" I said and headed out of my door, 'Goodbye Matt, I will see you whenever I get back...if you're not already dead" I said with a big smile on my face. I saw that Matt's face was shocked I said that. "Goodbye sister" Matt said, "Be careful!" he continued. "Will do!" I yelled from downstairs. I opened the door and stepped outside closing the door behind me, I tried to smell Sasuke;s blood so I could find out where is was, and I was lucky I could smell it. The smell of his blood was starting to vanish, but I was able to smell it before it vanished without a trace, I figured out where Sasuke was and quickly ran up to him. Sasuke was on the other side of town, I ran up to him...but I was behind him. When I say I ran up to him, I meant I ran until I found him. I stood at a distance and hid whenever he looked behind him or around him. Time to follow Sasuke I thought to myself.

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