XIX: Black & White Kittens: Winter Solstice's Children

Start from the beginning

I glanced at the sky and decide to go somewhere. My business here is done for now.


December 21, 1879

Cheshire, England

[Our Castle]

Dear: Diary,

Today Mama gave you to me when I woke up because it is Artemis and Apollo's fifth birthday. I am five and that means I will become a lady soon, but I like wearing boy's clothes like Apollo. As always big brother is sick today. I prayed that he will be see the sunshine outside and travel to the circus with us and everywhere.

I got up from the chair in my room and went across the hall, into Apollo's room. I saw him sleeping soundly.

"Happy Birthday," I shouted as I jumped on his bed. He opened his eyes and rubbed them. I touched his long white hair and looked at his gray eyes.

"Good morning, Lord Alice," He said as he sat himself on the bed and I saw him cough. He must be sick again because of this cold weather. We looked at the window and saw as that it was snowing and he sun is not up yet. Are we too early? Or the sun is sick like Apollo.

"Apollo," I said and he looked up at me as I continued, "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay," he said and put on a smile as he rubbed my head. We don't look like twins at all, we are completely opposite.

"I love you," I said and hugged him. I saw Mama entered the room with the nurse as they brought the magic powder that will help him get better. Then, Mama told me that she will give me a bath and pulled me out of the room, as Apollo drunk his medicines.


It is lunchtime and I wore my boy clothes even though Mama insisted that I should start wearing dresses as she tied my hair. I like these clothes they are comfortable. I'm not Artemis, I am Lord Alice the a knight and Apollo is the fairy prince. Where is my sword and the evil monster, Papa.

I decided to go back into Apollo's room and saw him reading a book, Kinder und Hausmärchen. He can read and speak German better than me, Oma will be proud.

"How can you read this in German when you can read them in English," I said. I lay next to him in his bed and began to braid his hair.

"It's a good way to practice," He mumbled. Smart as always.

"Fairy Prince, you should play instead,' I said after I braided his hair. I need to bring more flowers inside this room.

"I wish I could Lord Alice," he said and looked up at me. He looks paler than normal.


After I exited out from his room, I went inside my room and found my sword. Then I headed into the sitting room and saw Mama drinking her tea. Mama looks beautiful as always. Mama is half Japanese, quarter French and English, while Papa is half German and English, some Welsh.

"Mama, where is Papa?" I asked curiously as I swung my sword and pretended that I am attacking Papa.

"Papa went somewhere to get meet his friend, one your godfathers," She said as she looked up at me and warned me not to hurt myself. Godfather?

Minutes later, I heard a carriage pulled in at the front of my castle and I ran to the foyer to greet Papa. As Papa got out of the carriage, a formally dressed tall man with dark-hair followed him. A real prince?

"Lord Alice," Papa greeted as he noticed me but I ignored him and focused my eyes on black prince as he continues, "It looks like my daughter has taken a liking to you,"

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