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Corbyn has always been a nervous child. He would constantly be fidgeting with things in his hands or tapping his foot against the ground. It had been extremely hard for him to open up about his anxiety to his long term boyfriend and bandmate Zach. They had been dating for almost a year now and Zach knew Corbyn almost as well as Corbyn knew himself. Zach has delt with multiple of Corbyn's anxiety attacks and knows how to help and take care of him. However Zach wasn't always an expert on Corbyn and his needs. He had to learn what the best way to help Corbyn was and it was very difficult. But Zach didn't really mind because he loved Corbyn and he would do anything for him.
The first time it happened Zach and Corbyn had only been dating for two weeks and Corbyn had yet to inform his new boyfriend of his condition. Zach had watched him horror as his boyfriend began to hyperventilate. The pair had just gotten home from a date and were watching some television while cuddled on the large sofa. The other boys were at an interview and it was unusually peaceful and quiet. It was an almost picture perfect afternoon until a news segment flashed across the screen with a image of Corbyn and Zach holding hands before switching to a second picture of the two sharing a kiss. The couple watched in horror as their relationship was outed to the public. Zach was so deep in his own thoughts that he barely noticed Corbyn's struggle to get air into his lungs. Corbyn could barley focus on the reporters voice as he looked at the image on the screen. He couldn't believe this was happening. Not even the boys knew about their relationship yet let alone the public. He could feel his palms begin to sweat as his body was overtaken by a familiar tingling sensation. He was snapped out of his struggling state when Zach gently placed a hand on his shaking shoulder causing Corbyn to jump a little out of surprise.
"Hey? Are you okay?" Zach asked with concern taking over his features. But instead of a response he just received the painful sound of Corbyn wheezing for air.
Corbyn could barely hear Zach when he asked that question. Thoughts of the boys and the public rejecting them clouded his brain as tears began to spill out of his eyes. He stumbled off the sofa and practically fell into the wall to his left. His legs shook as he used the wall to guide him to the closest room. He could feel the ghost-like touches of Zach's hands touching his shoulder and waist, but all he could think about was the lack of oxygen in his lungs and the possible rejection. His hands frantically grasped at the cold door knob as he shakily managed to push the door open. He vaguely recognized the room as his bathroom and rushed to the sink. Gripping both sides he continued to sob making it even more difficult to breathe. He continued to struggle as Zach helplessly watched his lover gasp for air. Suddenly Corbyn felt the contents of his stomach make a reappearance as he loosened his grip on the sink. He stumbled to the toilet where he fell to the ground, beginning to dry heave. Zach's eyes widened as he witnessed the events occur. He carefully stepped toward the shaking figure still unsure of what was going on or how to help. He took his phone out of his back pocket as he began to rub Corbyn's back.
"Dani...please. I don't know what to do." Zach cried into the phone as he watched Corbyn begin to vomit into the toilet, still sobbing.
"Zach? What's wrong?" Daniel asked alarmed as he motioned for the other two boys to be quiet.
"I don't know. Corbyn...he won't stop crying and I don't think he can breathe. I don't know what to do." Zach responded as Corbyn finally stopped vomiting.
"Zach, what's happening? We are almost home. Just hold on for like 5 more minutes." Daniel said as he stepped on the gas. Zach sobbed as Corbyn let go of the sides of the toilet seat and fell to the ground.
"Oh, baby. It's okay I got you" Zach cooed as he continued to comb his fingers through Corbyn's sweat drenched hair. Corbyn was in a fetal position on the floor as his breathing got shallower.

Zach's POV
"Zach we are 2 minutes away. I'm gonna hang up now okay?" Daniel carefully asked and I replied with a quick okay before dropping the phone from my ear. I barely heard it hit the floor as I turned all my attention to Corbyn who was barely getting any air in. I watched as his eyes rolled back in his head before they slipped shut and he fell unconscious.

3rd Person POV
"Corbyn? Corbyn?" Zach yelled as he gently shook Corbyn's shoulder. But unfortunately he received no response in return. Zach cried harder as he moved Corbyn's head to rest on his lap. The sound of the door opening caught Zach's attention immediately.
"D-Dani." Zach sobbed out as Daniel, Jack and Jonah could be heard rushing in.
"Oh my god! Zach what happened?" Daniel practically collapses on the ground next to the two boys.
"I-I don't know. He was panicking and I don't think he could breathe." Zach explains as the tears continue to stream down his face. Corbyn remains unconscious as Zach gently uses the pad of his thumb to wipe the dried tears off of Corbyn's cheeks.
"Zach calm down I just called the ambulance and it's on it's way." Jonah entered the room before stopping in the doorway and taking in the sight before him.
Jack was in the hallway unable to see two of his closest friends in such distress. The five of them sat in silence with the exception of Zach's soft cries until the sound of sirens could be heard in the distance.
There was a knocking on the door causing Jack to get up off the ground quickly and sprint towards the entrance. Two men came in carrying medical bags and a stretcher.
"Sir we are going to have to ask you to move so we can assess your friend." One of the paramedics asked as he set his hand on Zach's shoulder. Zach nodded slowly as he allowed the pair to move Corbyn onto a stretcher. He waited for them to strap Corbyn in before discreetly grabbing Corbyn's hand. He didn't want the older boy to feel alone at all so he held his hand, even though he knew that the Corbyn wasn't awake and wouldn't know.
"Can you explain what happened." A paramedic asked as he took Corbyn's vitals.
"He couldn't breathe a-and he was crying. Then he...he threw u-up and I don't know w-why..." Zach was about to continue but he could barely get the words out. All he could manage was a small sob.
"Hey, it's okay we are gonna go to the hospital to make sure he's okay but as of right now his vitals are virtually normal. You can ride with us if you want." The paramedic closest to Zach said while giving him a kind smile.
"O-Okay...Thank you."Zach almost whispered as he followed the men into the back of an ambulance.
Once at the hospital the paramedics handed Corbyn off as Zach followed behind.
"I'm sorry sir but this area is restricted. We are going to have to ask you to wait in the waiting room and someone will be out to update you about your friend when we know more." A younger doctor explained before rushing to follow the others down the hall.
Zach watched in silence as they wheeled Corbyn down the hall before quietly whispering, "boyfriend, he's my boyfriend."

Why Don't We SicficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora