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*1 year since the events of Part 1*
Daniel only fully told Jack what Joey had done to him. He didn't want anyone to treat him differently especially the other boys. Corbyn was the only one who had an idea of what happened besides Jack. After all, he was there the day that Daniel had broken down. He hasn't really talked to Daniel about it besides telling him that he loves and supports Daniel and his decisions. Daniel didn't want to have to see Joey again and he didn't want the whole world to know what had happened to him, so he didn't press charges. He thought that since he always had security or the boys that he'd be safe.
Daniel was really happy at this point in his life. He felt like he was really starting to get passed what happened to him. He and Jack had started dating about 3 months ago. It had taken a while for Daniel to trust himself to be in a relationship. He knew Jack was nothing like Joey. Jack was kind and sensitive and gentle. He was nothing like Joey. But Daniel had thought that Joey was kind in the beginning too, and he ended up being wrong. How could he ever trust his own instincts after something like that?
The boys were a month into the North American leg of the tour and today they had an especially busy day.
Daniel's POV
I felt arms tighten around my torso, effectively waking me up. I slowly opened my eyes before reaching up to rub the sleep from them. I feel soft lips touch the back and side of my neck as I'm peppered with kisses. A giggle escapes from my lips as I turn around to face the beauty that is Jack Avery.
"Hi" I smile as he kisses my nose softly.
"Good morning Dani." He replies in a slightly husky voice making me want to melt. I don't reply as we continue to lay together. He looks at me with something I don't recognize before uttering the words, "I love you."
And with those three words, my mood drops. How can he say that he loves me but not hit me? I close my eyes and flinch slightly as his hand moves toward my face. When I open my eyes again I see a sad expression etched into his face and I instantly feel bad for flinching.
"Do you...did you think I was gonna hit you?" Jack asks with a frown.
"I-I ummm.." I stutter out before I feel tears stream down my face.
"I'm sorry" I quickly apologize for crying.
Jack sighs sadly before responding, "Dani stop crying, please. You don't have a reason to be sorry. You did nothing wrong."
"But-But I made you sad and th-then I started crying a...a-and I'm not supposed-d to do that. Y-You said t-that you don't like it when I c-cry. And t-then you said that...that you l-love me b...but I j-just don't understand how. Th...then you moved your hand a-and I just thought...I'm...I'm sorry." I hiccup out in between cries.
"I'm going to hug you right now okay," Jack announces and I hesitantly nod my head yes, "my hands are going to touch your lower back and the back of your head okay."
I feel Jack's hands go exactly where he said they would and slowly I release the breath I was holding. Jack slowly pulls me towards him so that my t-shirt clad chest is against his bare one and so that my forehead rests against him.
"I said that I love you because I do. To me, love means that I don't ever want to lose you or hurt you or see you get hurt by someone else. Me saying that I love you isn't going to mean that I'm going to start being like him. I'm not him. He didn't know what true love is because if he did then he wouldn't have ever did what he did to you." Jack talks into my hair before I look up to see his eyes. I could see nothing but kindness and the unrecognizable thing that I now know as love. I slowly move my hands from his chest and to his face as his do the same. I close my eyes as we share a kiss. It's just a small simple one but it's perfect. He's perfect. I think I might be in love with him too.
"I know you're not him Jack. You're 100 times better than him and you're perfect for me. I-I really like you but I don't think I can say what you just said. Not yet at least. I'm sorry." I feel so bad as I say this but I don't think I can say it back right now.
"That's okay Dani. Take all the time you need, I'm not going anywhere." He responds perfectly.
"Thank you," I say and the door opens.
"Can I look?" Zach asks as he walks into the room with his hands covering his face.
Jack throws a pillow at Zach's head making me burst into laughter.
"Yes, you can look you, idiot!" Jack jokes as he joins me in laughing.
"Hey! that was mean," Zach says with a fake pout on his face making me laugh even more. I bury my face into jacks chest as I laugh before hearing the sound of a camera. I look up to see Zach taking a picture of me and Jack on his phone.
"Really?" I ask with fake annoyance as Zach smiles back innocently.
"Send it to me and get out." Jack jokingly says as he shakes his head back and forth while letting out a small laugh. I laugh too because I know that Zach won't post the picture until Jack and I are ready to tell the fans.
"Jonah said to be ready in 30!" Zach yells as he runs down the hall. I look up at Jack and smile. He smiles back, placing a peck on my lips before getting out of bed and heading into the bathroom.
We get ready and meet the other boys in the living area of the hotel suite. We all exchange greeting and small talk as we board the van and travel to a radio station for a morning radio interview. It's about 7:30 am when we finally arrive and are settled in the recording room.
"Jack," I whisper into his ear as the host announces us, "I'm really sorry about this morning. I really do like you though."
"I know Dani. It's okay." He whispers back shortly before the host begins to ask us questions. I try to focus on the interview but all I can focus on is the guilt and fear. I feel so bad that I can't be normal and just say I love you back to Jack but I'm also scared because Joey said that he loved me and he still hurt me. These thoughts consume me for the rest of the day as we go through several other interviews and are on our way to the venue to start the meet and greet part of the show.
"Daniel!" Jonah's voice shouts.
"What?" I ask alarmed at the sudden outburst.
"I've been trying to call your name for the past few minutes. Didn't you hear?" Jonah responds.
"Oh ummm. Yeah. Sorry, what did you say?" I apologize as I feel Jack grab my hand and give it a slight squeeze.
"I was just letting you know that you are the first one in line for meet and greet today." He informs before apologizing, "and there's no reason to be sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you."
"It's okay. Thanks for letting me know."I smile back as we pull up to the back entrance of the building. The bodyguards escort us out and we are shown to the dressing room. There me and the boys change into our meet and greet outfits. Zach, Jonah, and Corbyn all leave to go take pictures with Zack C. I watch from the sofa as Jack fixes his hair in the mirror before he turns to me.
"Dani. What's going on with you today?" He asks.
"I-I don't know." I reply pathetically.
"You don't know? Cmon Daniel, you have to give me better than I don't know." He says slightly annoyed. I feel myself start to panic a little as he takes a step towards me. He takes notice of this and stops where he is.
"I just need space. This is all too much. We need to slow down." I explain with a shaky voice.
"Daniel I told you that just because I said what I did this morning doesn't mean that you have to say it back right now," Jack repeats his words from earlier.
"You keep saying that but just by you saying those words puts pressure on me to say them back," I feel tears starting to collect in my eyes but I push them back, " and Joey said them after he beat me. He would say ' I'm only doing this because I love you'."
"I'm not going to hurt you though." Jack pleads.
"I don't know that! How can I be sure that you aren't going to turn on me and hurt me just like he did." I yell and stand from the couch.
"You can be sure because you know me! You know who I am and how much I care! Do you really think I'm a monster like he was?" Jack raises his voice in frustration and slight anger.
"I don't know Jack." I sigh and feel my eyes start to water. He is about to respond when someone comes in telling us we have to leave for meet and greet.
"We'll finish this later," Jack states sharply before walking out. I take a few moments to compose myself before heading to the meet and greet room. When I get there I notice that Jonah and Jack have traded places. So what would usually be me followed by Jack then Zach, then Corbyn and finally Jonah. Is now me, Jonah, Zach, Corbyn, and finally Jack. I frown but walk to my area nonetheless. The first half of meet and greet goes fine considering all I want to do is go and apologize to Jack. I hug a girl goodbye and sign her poster before I look up to greet the next limelight. I smile at her but it falters once I see him walk through the door. I freeze as I'm brought back to the painful memories of last year. I can almost feel the pain from the punches, feel the burn from the searing hot bath water he once forced me into, I can feel it all. I want to scream but there are all of these people here. Jack is too far away to notice and Corbyn's the only other one who even knows what Joey looks like and he's busy with a fan. I don't know what to do so I attempt to recover and smile at the girl.
"Ummm...Hi, what's your name?" I ask almost numbly.
"Sara...are you okay?" She asks while placing a hand on my arm. The sudden physical contact forces me to involuntarily flinch back.
"Umm...y-yeah." I stumble over my words. She gives a slight nod before standing next to me for a picture. I continue through this usually enjoyable process painfully as I watch him get closer. The camera flashes are blinding.
Click. I need to get out of here.
Click. What do I do?
Click. He's five people away.
Click. Four.
Click. Three.
Click. Two.
"Hey, Daniel right?" Joey asks as he steps closer, "huge fan." He smiles wickedly as I take a step backward.
"H-Hi... N-Nice t-to me-m-meet y-you." I stutter out pathetically. He reaches his hand around me for the picture and places a firm, painful grip on my hip.
My eyes start to water as his fingers dig into my skin. There's most likely going to be a bruise tomorrow morning. I feel his breath against my ear as he whispers.
"Meet me outside after this or there will be consequences." He gives my hip one last squeeze before walking away and out of the exit. I fight back tears as I take pictures and sign more posters. All the limelights are asking if I'm okay but all I can do is nod my head yes. I say goodbye to the last girl and being the first in line I go to exit the room. I slowly walk to the back exit and I only open the door slightly before I feel a hand grip my shirt collar and pull me the rest of the way out. I feel his fist connect with my jaw before I see him.
"You thought you could just leave like that? You think I wouldn't find you?" His voice booms as he knees me in the stomach. I grunt as he drops my body onto the hard concrete. I'm sobbing from pain and fear as he continues to abuse my body. All I want is Jack. I should have never started a fight with him. Joey yells profanities at me before kicking me in the face. I see him pull his foot back again and close my eyes to brace myself for the impact but it never comes. When I open my eyes I see Zach's face looking down at my own. He places a hand under my back and pulls me into a sitting position where I begin to cough. It burns as I desperately try to take in a deep breath and I can't stop myself from coughing. Blood mixed with saliva comes out as I lean against Zach and basically cough my organs out. It's getting hard to breathe as the coughing continues on.
"J-Jack!" I manage to cry out as I cough up more blood. I see Jack come into my line of vision and watch as he gently trades places with Zach.
I sit there in his arms for what could have been minutes or hours. I cry and cough the whole time and I begin to feel light-headed when sirens can finally be heard in the distance. Jacks whispering in my ear but I'm in so much pain I can't even focus on what he's saying. I take in one last breathe before Jack fades away and I'm left in a cold eerie darkness.
When I wake up again I'm met with bright fluorescent lights. I squint and look at my surroundings. I'm scanning the light blue walls when my eyes stop on a mound of sweatshirt.
"J-Jack?" I ask in a hoarse voice and Jack immediately looks at me.
"Oh my god, Dani! I was so worried. But don't worry that awful man was arrested and will probably go to jail for a long time." He explains and I nod before saying.
"Jacky I'm so sorry about our fight. You're nothing like him. You're good and pure and gentle." I say as we hug.
"It's okay. You were scared and I should have reacted better. I'm sorry too." He apologizes before kissing my forehead followed by my cheeks and nose. I giggle slightly before joining our lips together. When I pull away and look into his eyes and I know that he will never hurt me. I take a deep breathe and grab his hand before saying.
"I love you too."
Authors note
Thanks for reading guys! These two are probably my favorite one-shots so far. They were a little heavy so for next time maybe a little more fluff. Stay safe and please vote.

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