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⚠️⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️⚠️
Mentions of sexual assault and harassment.
Jack's POV
"Thanks for having us!" I shout into the mic as the lights go out and the boys and I make our way off the stage.
"Bro that was such a good show!" Jonah exclaims as he bounces from one foot to the other.
"Totally agree! The crowd was so into it!" Zach adds while wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"We should definitely come back here again." Daniel suggests as we all tumble into our shared dressing room. Jonah and Corbyn talk as they go into the bathroom to rinse off their faces for the meet and greet. Tyler is talking to Daniel and showing him the pictures from tonight. I don't bother since I know that Tyler will send me the best ones from tonight like usual. I throw myself onto the couch and release a sign of relief that I can finally sit down. As fun as the shows are, it's a lot of jumping around and it certainly makes you work up a sweat.
"Hey Jack! Wanna play a round before the meet and greet?" Zach asks as he hands me a controller.
"Of course!" I answer back as the opening scene to fortnite begins.
After we finish the game our manager calls for us to go out to the main conference room to get ready for the post-show meet and greet.
For the first half or so of the event everything is normal. I'm signing autographs and taking photos with all the fans that pass by my area of the table. I'm finishing up writing another autograph when suddenly a strong hand firmly grips my wrist. This not only messes up my handwriting but also makes me drop my pen in pain.
"What the heck!" I exclaim as I look up to see a strange man staring down at me. The feature that sticks out the most are his piercing hazel eyes. As soon as my eyes meet his he gives me a look so frightening that I almost flinch away.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you," the man says as he continues to dig his fingers into my wrist, "I just wanted to let you know how big of a fan I am."
I tried to muster up a smile, not knowing what else to do in the situation. "Thanks man. I really appreciate it." I say warily as I attempt to pull my arm away.
"Of course." The man drawls out his words as he finally lets go of me and I release a sigh of relief. I sign his CD and say goodbye to him and he continues on throughout the line.
As the event continues I forget about the man and the strange encounter. Before I know it we are wrapping up the meet and greet and finishing up the show. The crowd was amazingly energetic and the feeling in the room was better than usual. Eventually we all start to head back to our hotel that's about 3 blocks away from the venue.
The whole way there, the boys and I animately discuss our favorite parts of the show and before I know it I'm at the entrance of the hotel.
"Hey! I think I'm gonna take a little walk around to help cool down before bed." I say to Corbyn as we are sharing a hotel room together.
It was a really nice night in the city we were currently in and I still had a lot of leftover adrenaline from the show. Hopefully this walk would help me calm down enough to fall asleep later tonight. I wasn't too worried about safety since the location of our hotel was a secret from fans and I was only going to walk a block or two.
As I started to walk further away from the hotel, I got an increasingly worse feeling in the pit of my stomach. Maybe I should've just walked the halls of the hotel instead of coming out here by myself.
Not wanting to be alone out here any longer I turned back around and started to walk back in the direction of the hotel. However, as I was passing an ally, I felt someone grab my arm and pull me with so much force that I almost fall to the ground.
"Hello pretty boy" the person hissed into my ear and I tried to pull my arm from their grip. Whoever this person was, they are a lot stronger than I am. I take a glance back at the man gripping my arm and my eyes widen in horror as I recognize the hazel eyes of my attacker from earlier. This was the same man from the meet and greet earlier. He must have followed me.
This only makes me struggle more and I start to scream for help.
I only get a few screams out before the man slaps me across the face and drags me further into the ally with his hand covering my mouth.
I had no clue what time it was as I carefully opened the door to our penthouse, but it was definitely past four am. Slowly, I entered the room and quietly shut the door behind me. I barely noticed Daniel asleep on the couch as I limped past the living room area and towards one of the bathrooms. I felt so incredibly dirty.
All I wanted to do was scrub him off of me. Once the door was closed and I was safely alone in the bathroom, I rushed to turn the shower on. I cranked the water temperature as high as it would go, testing the water with my shaking hand. Once I deemed the water hot enough, I opened the curtain further and got in fully clothed. I was too concerned with getting the evidence of the nights events off my body. As soon as I entered the small space, the floodgates that were guarding my tears broke. The salty liquid dripped from my eyes and blended with the steaming water that was plummeting down on me.
The water burned against the open wounds on my body but I was in so much pain already that I barely noticed. I look to the shower floor and see pink streaks swirling in the water as it makes its way to the drain. The sight makes me cry harder as I squeeze my eyes shuts to avoid looking at the drain anymore.
I hadn't noticed that I had fallen to my knees until my shaking hand instinctively reached out to support the weight of my upper body. My other hand is gripping the shower curtain as I gasp for air. The water is burning my skin but I can't bring myself to turn it off. My whole body is shaking and all I can do is struggle to breathe in the steamy air.
I feel my body being pinned against the hard exterior of one of the buildings as his hands grip my wrists and neck. I feel my back hit the concrete as his hand forces my face into the pavement.
I just need to get air in my lungs but nothing is working. I'm unsteady as I release the shower curtain and lift my upper body up. Now sitting with my butt on my feet, I lift my arms and rest them on my head lazily. I barely have enough energy to hold myself in this position but I can't seem to move either.
There's an ache in my tailbone and bottom that made me unable to forget the events of the evening. I don't know how long I'm in the shower for but at some point my sobs turn to softer whimpers and my body is shaking as I lay on my side in a ball.
I don't know how long I'm in the shower for. All I can manage to do is try to focus on the water droplets falling on my face.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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