The chair turns. "God, Yaxley, you really are an incompetent freak." The girl on the chair stands, flipping her brown hair aside. She stands up and walks towards me. Her black eyes glitter ominously. "Hello Rose!"

It's Emma. 

My roommate, Emma. 

What? My confusion bust be blatant on my face because she drops her head back and laughs. Scorpius keep his wand trained on Yaxley, but his eyes avert to Emma every five seconds or so. I'm pretty sure he has no idea what the heck is going on either.  

"Oh, Malfoy, you really wouldn't want to use that on my dear cousin over there, would you?" Emma goes on. Cousin? This is damn confusing. "Because you know, we wouldn't want Rose to get-" It takes that moment of distraction for Yaxley to get his wand out and scream something incomprehensible to me, which ties Scorpius up in a bundle of invisible ropes. He struggles against them but can't seem to break away. 

"Oh really, rope-trying?? What the bloody hell.." I groan, taking out my wand. My heart is probably running at one hundred miles per hour right now, and I can almost feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins. Yet, all I can think of is how I'm supposed to take on two people while Scorpius is harmlessly sitting down on the floor without any options of helping. I point my wand at Emma. She ignores it and continues what seems to be a sort of speech.

"Anyways, before you little meddlers came in, we were very busy," Emma says in a sweet voice, standing still. Yaxley is moving behind her. "As you geniuses might have finally guessed -  took you a while, didn't it, Rosie?- we have been cursing people around the school. Quite amusing, especially when I got to impersonate you Scorpius. Finally making you act like a proper Slytherin, eh?" 

Ah, so it was her. Obviously Yaxley would have been too stupid to act, he would have probably just stammered and run away. I should have known Emma was behind this. She never had been quite as friendly as the other Gryffindors. Especially this year. She barely spent any time at all in the common room. And come to think off it, almost all the times I woke up, she would never be in her bed. She was probably the one creeping around the forest during the night, too. What she was doing there? Maybe having secret meetings? 

"Anyways. Before I tell you anything more, Rose dear,She gestures to Yaxley who has a stupid grin on his face. He starts closing in, and I point my wand at him and scream the first spell which comes to my head. 

"Petrificus Totalus!" Yaxley's face flashes with surprise as the floor closes in on him and he falls, face first. He mumbles something into the carpet and Emma sighs, clearly annoyed. "Don't move." I tell her, narrowing my eyes. 

She flashes me a deadly smile. "Serpensortia!" 

A blinding white light comes out of her wand, and following that, a snake starts making it's way from it's edge, flying through the air onto the ground. It slithers towards me, hissing  and baring its venom covered fangs. I wince. "Leviocorpus!" I cry, just as the snake surges forwards. The creature dangles from it's tail, venom dripping onto the carpet in a hissy steam. I gesture towards the window and the snake flies out, shattering the elaborate design. Whooops. 

Yaxley is on his feet again, aiming his wand at me. Emma too. I gulp and take a few steps back, holding my wand in front of me. Merlin help me. 

"Locomotor Mortis!" Yaxley finally moves, his wand whipping through the air. 

"Protego!" I cry out. 

Emma snaps her head around to scold Yaxley, and I take the opportunity to get her too, "Stupefy!"

Emma flies through the air and bangs against the desk. Her eyes open, glittering deviously. "It's on, Weasley. Sectumsempra!"


"Protego!" While me and Emma are firing curses back and forth, Yaxley moves across the floor, dragging himself towards Scorpius. 

"Now ladies," he says in a monotone, his wand inching across Scorpius's cheek, "Why don't we put a stop to this." Scorpius stares at him with pure hatred busrting from his eyes. I breath in slowly. Emma cackles beside him, and puts a hand on his shoulder. She seems to be the master mind. 

"If you don't give me your wand, he gets it." I keep myself from rolling my eyes. Scorpius doesn't contain himself. 

"Please! What do you think, that she'll just drop-"

"Quietus!" Emma silences Scorpius, which makes him stare with even more loathing at her. "Now, Scorpius, I suppose you've heard of 'sectumsempra', have you not? Yes well, it slashes you open until yu bleed to death. So you better tel your girlfriend to drop her wand. Oh wait-" she laughs, "You can't." 

"Wow, real mature." I say, sighing. Emma rolls her eyes, and Yaxley pushes his wand deeper into Scorpius' skull. This is so not good. I glance at Scorpius and notice he is staring directly at me. Under his leg is wand, which he managed to roll towards him with his leg. I smile and bend down and put my wand on the floor. Almost instantly, I am also bound, sitting beside Scorpius like a useless sack of potatoes. 


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