Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"What are you so smiley about? It's repulsing," Bex inquired. She was irritated lately, I don't even bother asking why. I just slide a hand over my mouth and cover my smile. Because I can't stop smiling. Not even if I want to; soon my cheeks will be hurting. 

ALbus scoffs as he puts the finishing dot on his Potions essay. "Let the creature be happy. It's much worse when she's angry." he reminds her, making her rub her temples. 

"Well seeing as I am not AT ALL HAPPY-"

"Then be happy."

"I can't be happy." Bex replies in a strained voice. ALbus leaves te conversation to end there as he stands up and rubs his head.

Andrew appears beside him and smiles merrily at us. He always does that. Bex calls it the 'merry-sindrome'. 

Lily pushes Albus aside and glares at him. "Leave." she hisses at him. Albus knits his eyebrows together and shrugs, a mischevious smile threatining to spread on his face. 

"Whatever, little red." Lily scowls at him as he starts laughing, walking away. Classic Potter siblings fightning. 

"SHUT UP, DARK MOUSE!!" Lily shouts after him, making him laugh even harder. She turns to us, clearly frustrated, and red in the face. 

I wave at her, still smiling and she scowls at me too. "Oh shush you!" she mutters sitting on the chair Albus vacated. Bex looks up at her from her seat on the floor and rolls her eyes.

" I know right! She won't stop doing that." I won't let them bother me. 

Because I have a date to the ball. And I feel like jumping up and down the room because of it too. But that would be far too Lily-ish for me to do; so I'll settle with smiling. If Lily had a date she would probably be jumping up and down, but  she's hugging her legs, her face frowning in concentration.

"Bex, do you know any dress shops? I don't want my mother to send me one, because, she has this illusion in her head that I love wearing pink frilly stuff with flowers and all that stuff," Ah. So that is what is toubling her.

"But don't you love pink?" I ask, troubled myself. When she was younguer Lily would only wear pink and yellow. Lately she still uses bright colours. She shakes her head, exaspherated at me.

"Of course I do, Rosie. But I don't want frills and flowers on it!" she explains slowly. I nod curtly and open a book so I won't have to participate in the conversation. But seeing as the book is Hogwarts a History, I decide to listen to it, at least.

Bex leans against my leag and chews on her quill. "Well there is Madame Liana's and The Wondorous Witches boutique..." she muses. Then another question comes to mind.

"But, Lil, aren't you too young to go to the ball?" I ask, recalling something about it being for fith yearers and up. Lily sighs and stretches her legs.

"Not if I get an invite." she counters, turning back to Bex. Ah. So thats explained. I hope Hugo doesn't go though- if he did he would see me with Scorpius and then I would have to use Naomi to find out something about him so he won't tell dad. 

Dad. Just then his owl swoops in through the open window, sticking his leg out at me. I take the letter and he flies off again. Charlotte stands up and closes the window, shivering, and jumps over the small flecks of snow which came in. 

I open the letter as Lily and Bex continue to discuss dresses and read it carefully. 

Dear Rosie, 

Roses on the Sidewalk {HP}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ