Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: weird days are only he beggining

"Seriously. I'm dooomed. If Dad comes here to 'tell us about the great battle'" Albus said in a girly voice, "I'm doomed." 

I rolled my eyes sympathetically at him. 

"At least you'll get a good grade." He considered this. 

"True..." he agreed, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Most of our teachers had babbled on about our Ordinary Wizarding Levels and given us books and whatnot. It had been a pretty boring day. 

The Highlight of the day was that Proffessor Slughorn had let us out early after some Slytherin blew up his caldron. Oh how brilliant those Slytherins are. They were also kind of weird. Scorpius kept glancing at me in a very unflatering manner, which I do not care to explain.

So we walked up the stairs to our common room and sat on the old chairs by the fire. I stared out of the cold window into the forest. Hagrids hut was dark and small in the borders of the big forest . 

Albus was writing out an essay for McGonagall, which I should be doing too, but who does homework on the first day?

Well, okay I do, but this year I can change things up a little, no? 

I looked down at my white parchment. The title was scribbled over the top and I had written one paragraph.


I still couldn't understand why I was prefect. I mean its abnormal. Albus should be one, not me! I mean, yes I get good grades but I don't have the precise attitude to be someone to look up to and admire; Im hot-headed, and like playing a prank. I fingered my badge absentmindedly. Also, I don't think I'm all that responsible. I always forget my things around the castle.

Albus didn't seem upset. He seemed perfectly okay. I sincerely thought he wanted to be a prefect- still don't get why he isn't. 

"So! I was down therr in the kitchens with Hugo," a familiar voice said from the other side of the room,"And this old - aciieent elf kept calling him Wheezy! And we were totaly confused by that, but yes, we did manage to.." Lily was babling exitedly to someone and walked passed us, waving a bit, then ignoring her brother who had jumped up at sight of her with a boy.

"Wheezy..." I muttered. I picked up my quill. Its Blue colouring matched my eyes and I started writing. It didn't need any ink, it was brand new. It had a small place where it stored ink so that you didnt need to dip it in all the time. It was rather like what muggles call a 'pen'. 

"Rose? I found your cat outside." Bex dropped Jinx on my lap. See what I mean? I even manage to loose my cat. Thanks Dad. "And you wouldn't beh-lieeve what I saw."  I looked up, breaking out from my day-dream. Bex eyes were shiny, and she was sitting on the arm rest of Albus's chair. He finished writing his sentance and dropped his quill. Jinx snuggled into my lap and I waited expectantly. 

"A ghost." I snorted and Albus smiled, like if Bex was mad - which she was, no doubt. 

"No kidding!" I said fake-exitedly to her. I then slapped her arm lightly. "We always see ghossts here, silly."

Bex rolled her eyes and leaned in. "I knoww. But this wasn't Nick, The Baron, Peeves, The Fat Friar OR That Ravenclaw woman- Helena?" her eyes were round,"I don't know who it was but I'm sure it wasn't someone who floats by often. She had hair. I glimmered. And changed. You don't suppose- it was a death eater?" She chewed nevously on her nail. Bex had this incredible theory that ghossts of people who died in these grounds could come here when they pleased. I smiled at her. 

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