Chapter 4

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Mimi's POV

I don't understand what took so long for the guys to get the tickets but I was tired of waiting. Once we walk pass the ticket booth, through the people counter machines (the spinning silver things) we see this enormous go kart park. They have all different types of go karts here! It's overwhelming in a good way. I didn't even realize I was so into my thoughts that somebody was trauma get my attention.

Person: Mimi, come back to earth sweetie !!!

Mimi: *gets in fighting stance, due to quick reaction* ohhh hey NiNi . Don't sneak up on me like that girl. *hugs her*

NiNi ... What are y'all doing here? *while hugging everyone else except Issa because she don't know him yet.*

Jawan.. I wanted to surprise Mimi for our year anniversary. We're starting off the first two hours together then the next to separate.

Mimi.. Jawan,baby... Don't forget about our reservations at Red Lobster..

Jawan... Okay , well lets get started.. You can tag along if you want !

Nini ... If I wanna get fired then sure! Haha but no I couldn't intrude, without roc ! Y'all have fun. Mimi text me later and no doing the nasty!!! K. Bye!!

Dede... Me and Issa are gone do our own thing, while we're here.. I wanna talk to him about something !

Mimi .. Okay! Have fun but not too much fun! Call me if you need me to choke a nigga.

As they walk off me and Jawan go to this first go kart holding hands. Then he looked at me and said,

Jawan.. Baby, why you look so tense today!? just see right through me don't you?'s all over your face that your still bothered by you and your dads argument last night.

Well truthfully I was but I wasn't tryna let that bother me!

Mimi... Ummm... Noo ..,

Then I look away he grabs me close an hugs me tight

Jawan... Baby don't worry. Just enjoy your day. Please!

Mimi... I love you!

Then he kisses me. Then we go to all the go karts and wait in this lonnnnnngggggg line for one that they just opened two days ago! It was 5:00 by then so we had two hours before we had to leave to go to our reservations.

Dede POV

So basically me and Issa just talked about how were catching undeniable feelings for each other. Is that weird? We've been going out for a day, and we're already catching feelings... I feel like we're rushing. Can't rushing change a persons mind about things? Oh my goodness... I don't want us to break up cause we changed our minds. Maybe I just shouldn't think about it.... So I wont. But I need to know. Well since this line is extremely long I guess we could talk about it.

Dede... Hey Issa?

Issa... Yeah Babe?

Then I notice some random chick staring at us, like can't we have a serious talk without being stared at. So I give her a look and kept talking. Or at least tried.

Dede... Do you think we're rushing things? 

Issa... Not intentionally. Honestly I think if we both like- GCO

Random Chick... Um excuse me, didn't you go to Newbridge High School? Then transfer?

Issa... Yeah. Why?

Random Chick... Why did you transfer? Is it because of all the groupies you had?

Issa... Who are you?

Crystal... I'm Crystal Stewart. Head cheerleader for the football team. I've always had a huge crush on you.

Dede... Well, isn't that great for you?

Crystal.. No one asked for your input, girl.

Dede... It might not have been asked for, but I said something, didn't I? I think I do have the right, since I am his girlfriend.

Issa... Um, Crystal, don't come at my girl neck like that, and the line is should you. Me and my girlfriend are trying to have an important conversation.

Crystal... And you don't think our conversation is important? Oh. F-ck you nigga.

She crossed the line, and I'm about to f-ck this bxtch up. She got me twisted... Issa was already standing in the middle of us, so as I reach to grab her rusty ahh weave he grabs my hands.

Issa... Chill out. She's just trying to make you mad and ruin your day.

Dede...Fine we'll just talk about what we were trying to talk about later.

Finally its our turn in line and we get on the go carts together, and this nigga driving all reckless haha.

Dede... Slow down!!!!

Issa... Speed up??? Okay!!!!!!!

This nigga. We had so much fun though. After that race we met up with MiMi and Jawan and we all race each other. Once we finished it was about 6:00 so we all said bye to each other and planned to meet up later after their dinner reservations. We're all gonna go to a hotel since MiMi & Jawan were 18, their so lucky to be seniors. Me and  Issa are 17 year old juinors but he's younger then me by 7 days. But thats our little secret.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2013 ⏰

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