~His brother~

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Remember! This is my AU! So please don't get mad pleaseeeeeee
Anyways on with the story!

Nightmare POV

There! Just texted my brother to come over... It's been a long time since I seen him so it will be great to see him.
"Night who were you texting?" I turn to see Fred.
"Oh I was texting my brother to see if he wants to come over... He should be here in a while" I walk over to Fred and kissed his check.
"You have a brother?"
"Yea... Wait.... I told you that I had a brother and you mutton back in high school"
"Really?.... Huh... I don't remember... Well at least I'll get to see him again!" Fred smiles and I smiled back.
"Yea I'm glad he will see you too... Anyways where is Midnight and Lilly?"
"Oh Chica wanted to take care of them for a bit... She really loves babies"
"Yea she does Fred" Fred hugged me and I hug him back. It will be very nice too see my brother again... It has been a few years now... Ugh... I wonder where he has been living? With our parents?.... No our parents really don't like him... Ugh...
"Hey Night what is on your mind?" Fred shake me a bit.
"What's on your mind?"
"O-oh! Just wondering about my brother... Our parents really didn't like him and I wondering where or who does he live with... Mm" I started to think about it... "Maybe he is living with his-" I was cut off my Freddy.
"Hey Nightmare, there is someone looking for you and he is outside"
"Oh! He must be here already... Let him in"
"? Ok Nightmare" Freddy walked away.

Tiny time skipppp

"Brother! It's so good to see you!" Everyone was here by not Chica yet.
"You too Nightmare" he looked around, "oh wait where are my manners... My name is Shadow Foxy and I'm Nightmare's younger brother"
(Let meh be this AU is messed up and this thing with S.Foxy and Nightmare bring brothers is just me and a friend came up withhh)
"I'm Nightmare Freddy but just call me Freddy, this is Bonnie and Foxy... Chica is not here yet"
"And I'm Nightmare Fredbear... Nightmare-" and yet again we were cut off but this time by a yelling chicken.
"Hhheeeeyyyyy! The kids are throwing uppp!!"
"! Chica I thought you said you knew how to take care of them!"
"Het don't worry I'll take care of it Night"
"Ok Fred" Fred kissed ny cheek before he walked away I just smiled
"So... You have a boyfriend now Nightmare?" Right... I didn't tell Shadow Foxy... Fuck...
"Yea I do... Sorry again"
"Wow Nightmare! You don't even tell your own brother that you have a boyfriend and you didn't invite him neither to the party?" Freddy is killing me...
"Ok! Ok! The plan was to invite you a week before it but things changed.... A lot... Also I didn't want to call or text you because maybe you where busy" he just looked at me... Oh boy...
"Ok I understand Nightmare things happen" oh thank god he is not mad! Wait I just noticed something...
"Where is your boyfriend at?"
"B-boyfriend?!? You don't mean! He is not my boyfriend Nightmare! He is just a friend"
"'Just a friend,' that's what they all say!" Bonnie said.
"Thank you Bonnie! That is what they all say you say something like 'oh they are just a friend' then you find them making out!"
"O-ok! Ok! I'll say we became closer but we are not boyfriends ok?"
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok then... I believe that" I was still kinda ehhh about it.
"And besides if he was my boyfriend I would have told you... Unlike someone I know" S.Foxy looks at me.
"Heyyyyy I'm sorry okkkk! How many times to I have to say it!"
"Mmm... 100?"
"Noooooo that's too much! Okk" they all started to laugh soon after I join them. Then I felt a hug and turn. "Hey Fred"
"The kids are asleep how meaning we can just talk for now Night"
"Ok Fred"

End of Chapter because I don't want to write them talking WEEEEEEE

I'll Be Your Nightmare {Nightmare X Nightmare Fredbear} Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt