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Nightmare POV

We started so eat and to my surprise Nightmare Mangle came with Nightmare BB we rarely see their faces at all... I look over at Fred and he is a bit shy he is not comfortable around them yet.
"Hey Fred it's ok" he looks at me and shyly nods his head. We continued to eat.
"So have all you all been?" Mangle asks us all.
"Eh... Good" Freddy says. Everyone has been good. But I didn't answer her question... I don't trust her at all.
"How about Nightmare?" She looks at me. I stayed quite. "Geez fine..." She looks at Fred. "How about you... Fred~" she smirked. I growled at her.
"I..." Fred stops and just hugs my arm I could tell he is scared. I looks at him and smile than back at Mangle.
"Back. Off." I growled. She seem shoked I don't rise my voice.
"N-Night can you help me m-move my stuff in y-your room?" Fred whismper. I nod. I stand up hold Fred's hand and walk to his room.
"So... You want to sleep with me now?" He nods. "Ok babe" I pick him up and kisses his cheek.
"N-Night!" Fred was blushing dark red.
"Awwww my bear blushing~" I walk in his room he waa still blushing. Maybe tickles? I put Fred down on his bed and start to tickle him. He laughs.
"N-Night! S-stop! It's tickles!" He keep on laughing.
"That is the point my love~" I keep on tickling him. I see that he starts to cry because of laughing. I stopped and kiss Fred's cheek and he catches his breath. "Heh... Come on let me help you babe."
"Yea!" He sits up and smiles I smile back. We start to move his things.

N.Freddy POV

"They are dating?!?!" Mangle growled.
"Yes they are... And you should know better... Nightmare can kill you in seconds so don't try" I told her.
"Nightmare doesn't scare me! I'll kill him!" We all stared at her... She wouldn't be able to kill him.
"Good luck" Foxy said. We all got up and left.
"I'll fucking kill him!" Mangle yells... Whatever she gonna died trying.

N.Fredbear POV

We were putting my things away in Nightmare's room. I was very happy to be sleeping with Nightmare now.
"Hey babe has anyone ever told you... You have a nice ass~" I blushed and turn around to see Nightmare behind me.
"Well... You do babe~" Nightmare licks my neck making me blush more.
"N-Night s-stop" he keeps licking me making me moan quietly. He just smirk. He turn my head to his and he kisses me and I kiss back. He softly bits my bottom lip asking for entrance. I open my mouth to let him in. We fight and Nightmare wins. He rubs his tongue all over my mouth and his paw all over my body. I moan into the kiss because Nightmare was feeling my tail. We hear a knock on the door Nightmare didn't care and kept on kissing. But they keep knocking everytime it gets louder. Nightmare growled and pulled away from the kiss.
"I'll check it" Nightmare walks to the door while I sit on our bed.

Nightmare POV

I was enjoying myself... Geez... I open the door to see Mangle.
"What?" Fred could tell but my voice I was mad.
"I want to talk to you Nightmare..."
"Fine... I'll be out in a bit" I close the door and walk over to Fred.
"W-what did she want?" I shrug.
"If she does any... And I mean ANY to you... Tell me ok?" I hold Fred's paw.
"I will Night" he smiles.
"Now let me go see what she wants..." I kiss Fred's cheek and walk outside close the door and look at Mangle. "What do you want Mangle?"
"I want you to leave Fred alone..." I laugh a bit.
"How about... No... You can't tell me what to do... You should know your place Mangle."
"... I do know my place... You may be the leader... But I don't have to listen to you at all." My eyes glow red.
"You of all the ones here should know not to piss me off... Remember when you came in here you had a suit and yea... Then you pissed me off... Take a look at your self right now... Best to stay like that and not be a pile of metal pieces..." I open the door. "And leave me and Fred alone..." I walk in the room and close the door. I hear Mangle going away.
"N-Night? You ok?" I see Fred walking to me.
"Yea I'm good... Just got a bit mad but don't worry Fred" I see that Fred put all his thing away.
"I'm done with my stuff"
"I can see that and I'm happy" I see a book on the dresser and pick it up... "You draw Fred?" He nods shyly. "Don't be scared Fred it's cute... May I look at your drawing?"
"U-um... S-sure!" We both sit on the bed and I look through his drawing. I can also see Fred blushing while I look. I smiled at him and he smiles back. I come to the one where I'm hugging Fred and saying "I love you Fred" I look to Fred and his whole face is red. I put the book down and hug Fred.
"I love you Fred" I think I heard Fred squeal a bit. "So cuteeee!" I rub his head and he blushes more.
"Heh no problem... Get some rest Fred ok" he nods. I lay Fred on bed and put the blanket over him. I kiss his forehead and soon he falls asleep. I sigh... Tomorrow it going to start... It will only last a week... Maybe I can pull it off... But I don't know about Fred... Will he be able to?... I don't know... I lay next to Fred and hug him. I guess we will see tomorrow of he can...

End Of Chapter
>:3 ÒwÓ

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