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DURING BREAK TIME, a certain group of toddlers usually wandered off to the park right outside the playground (which was easy with how preoccupied their poor teacher was)- with a little blond brat leading them.

"Kacchan, wait up!"

"Deku, how many times am I gonna tell you to stop slowing me down?" Katsuki paused his marching, and his subordinates that followed did the same. As soon as he'd gotten his quirk, he was slowly but surely becoming more annoyed with Izuku.

His fiance beamed up at him. "I'll catch up better now!"

Yeah, right there. Katsuki, even as a kid, knew then and there that his purpose was to protect the weak, pathetic, quirkless omega that was Izuku- or he'd kill the boy's dreams trying.

But why did the weak constantly try to comfort him? He didn't want comfort, or pity. He wanted praise and admiration from the one person that mattered most.

But for now, Katsuki grinned. "You'll never catch up though. That's why I'm here."

"Bakugou." Aizawa's monotonous voice sliced through the blond's random flashback.

"What?" He answered, his voice empty and colourless.

"Why are you still here?"

Katsuki finally broke his gaze from the window and swept his vision over the room. Sure enough, it was time for lunch. The empty classroom (save for his friends who patiently waited for him) was the evidence to support that.

How were his usually obnoxious and happy-go-lucky friends able to resist pestering him even once, though? He put that thought away for now and grabbed his book bag.

Aizawa's tired eyes followed the teens leaving, and he sighed. Clearly there was some saga unfolding right before him that he didn't know about.

The teens quitely headed to the cafeteria.

"You okay, Bakugou?" Kirishima asked cautiously. He layed a gentle hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Don't pretend to give a fuck, Shitty Hair," Katsuki said, but his tone lacked any actual viciousness. Kaminari, Jirou, and Sero exchanged knowing glances, and Mina frowned with guilt.

"Hey, you're still my best bro, and you know that. I thought we've moved on from that kind of thing," The red head said, his voice heavy.

Over the past few weeks, he'd begun dating Mina. Although he made sure to notify Katsuki and keep any PDA away from him out of respect, he could tell his ex-boyfriend was still (understandably) a little bitter about it.

Bakugou ignored the comment and headed towards the lunch line, tapping his foot impatiently as he began to think about what to eat.

Kaminari followed. "So we're gonna ignore the fact that you were totally bummed about something?"

Jirou slapped his arm, ignoring the sharp "ow!" that followed.

Apart from Katsuki, she tended to be the scolder of the group. "He obviously isn't in the mood to talk, dumbass," she said.

Finally, the group (excluding Jirou, who'd gone to accompany Momo and Kendou) had sat down at their usual table with their trays of food.

"Okay, now that Jirou isn't here to slap me, I'll ask again," Kaminari said. Sero eyed his mate warily.

"I'll only talk if you shut the fuck up and listen," Katsuki sighed, shocking everyone.

"Sure dude, shoot!"

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