Other Alphas.

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Lightening flashed, thunder crashed, and the heavy pelts of water hit the bedroom windows of dorms harshly.

Katsuki didn't know about that, though. Not when he was at Ground Beta.

It was only softly drizzling when something inside the blonde led him to where he and Izuku had fought before.

Bakugou stared at the sky, allowing the now heavy rainfall to soak him. His blonde hair stuck to his nape and forehead now, and maybe there were tears hiding amongst the mass wetness on his face.

He hated how weak Izuku made him feel.

He tucked his bottom lip in. The smell of rain hitting the ground reminded him of the boy, who generally smelled like nature, even on a regular basis.


Izuku sat on his bed and stared at the gold ring on his finger. It seemed to glow, thanks to the soft golden light his night light provided.

Tears sprung in his eyes. Even when Bakugou had started dating Kirishima, he had worn it every single day.

"Izuku. Katsuki." Inko's voice was soft as she caressed each child's cheek.

She pulled out a small orange and green box and opened it, revealing two gold rings. Each ring had a small infinity design embedded into it.

"What are those?" Katsuki asked curiously. His mother knelt beside him, brushing his hair back gently with her hand.

"Promise rings. Remember when Dad and I told you that you'll get to be with Izuku forever? This is symbolic of that."

The blonde boy frowned in confusion. "Symbwolic?"

Inko chuckled before beckoning them to come closer. "Wanna put them on?" Both boys nodded eagerly.

She slipped the tiny rings on, and they heated a bit before tightening around the boys' fingers.

"Ow." Izuku yelped.

"Those rings are special. They grow as you do. So they'll never be too small. You can take them off if you want to, but please take care of them." Inko smiled.

At age ten, Bakugou made a show of ripping the ring off and tossing it away, right in front of Izuku's face.

But Midoriya never once budged his.

Even when Katsuki smelled of Kirishima in the mornings before they showered. Even when Baugou publicly went out of his way to be a dick to him. Even when he had to listen to everyone gush over the power couple, and how great they were for each other. Even then, Izuku stared at the ring every night before bed, with tears gathering in his eyes.

The healthy and normal way to ride his heat out was by using his toys. However, he carried his toys only to reassure his mum that everything was fine.

In reality, Izuku's heats were miles more painful and miserable than the average Omega. He spent it as a mind wrecked, sobbing, horny mess that could only picture Katsuki as the alpha he wanted to be mated with- and that image only increased his misery.

He'd build nests using comfortable pillows and stuffed toys, and he'd fill the room with slightly burned caramel sticks  and dark chocolate- to imitate Katsuki's scent.

He had only smelled it once when they were both eight. Izuku didn't fully react because he still had next to nothing pheromones to produce.

However, the smell of burning caramel and the taste of dark chocolate was etched in his brain for years to come.

He heard a weak knock at his door. Who's up at this hour? It's 1 a.m.

Midoriya didn't budge; he was in no mood to talk to anyone, and he was starting to get sleepy.

The door flew open.


The blonde's eyes were puffy, red, and swollen. Why did he look like he'd been crying?

"Deku, can I stay with you?"


"This is a lot harder than it needs to be."

"Shut up, nerd. I said I didn't want to talk about it."

Izuku was naked, on his carpet. Katsuki flung his tank top off and did the same with his pants.

He sat down slowly before slipping his hands around the greenette and pulling him as close as possible.

"Deku. I need to touch you a little."

Izuku's face flamed up. Where was this behavior coming from?


Katsuki ran his nose along the smaller's neck, inhaling deeply.

"I'm trying so hard right now," he rasped.

"I don't understand, Kacchan. What's with you?" Izuku shivered at the soft yet ragged breathing on his skin.

"I don't know either. Shitty hair wants a break, I can't fucking get you out of my head-"

Izuku froze at the feelng of Katsuki's finger lingering near his lower stomach.

"You broke up with Kirishima?" Midoriya hated how relieved he sounded.

"Don't get hopeful, shitty Deku. I'm still dead set on never mating you." Katsuki wrapped his hands around the other's dick.

"Wh-why is that?" Deku struggled to focus.

"Everything in my life revolves around you, and I fucking hate it. I hate it so fucking much, do you know that? I've had to live with a quirkless omega looking down on me all the damn time. I didn't want your kindness, bastard."

"I'm the alpha. I'm the one who was born to win. So why did you get into U.A.? Why did I have to be engaged and fated to someone like you? Why did I have to have these disgusting feelings for you? I was born to win, so why does nothing feel like a choice? This would be so much easier if I actually fucking hated you."

Katsuki hissed at the warm liquid in his hand. Deku came, and managed to actually listen to his rant simultaneously.

"I wish I wasn't your fucking mate."

Izuku chuckled. "So that's it? I see."

Bakugou moved from the greenette's ear to stare him down. It proved to be difficult with the dim lighting.

Izuku was breathing heavily as he harshly gripped the blonde's dick. "Interesting."

Bakugou frowned but found himself pushing his hips forward to meet Izuku's actions. "What are you talking about?"

Izuku laughed lightly. "So that's why I suffered the way I did for years? Because of an inferiority complex? Because your ego is too fucking huge? Because you're too immature and proud to accept what you felt?"

"You really fooled me, I'll admit. You really sold the idea that you hated me this entire time. I was convinced."

He fastened his pace. "However, you wasted not only your time, but mine Kacchan. You tried so hard to defy everything but here we are...jacking each other off."

Katsuki's breath hitched.

Izuku smiled mockingly. "Well, well, well. Aren't you the rebellious one?"

"F-fuck off," Katsuki managed as he reached his peak.

Midoriya leaned forward. "Nah. It's not gonna go this smoothly. You need a taste of your own bullshit, Kacchan."

He brought his hand-glistening with Bakugou's release- to his mouth, and licked.

"You taste exactly how you smell. I wonder if that applies to other alphas."


Oooo what is the broccoli boi implying?? HmMmMmmM

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