"You and me both." Danielle replied with a laugh. She hated the holiday.

"You don't like Christmas?" Kristine said, sounding almost offended.

"Not really." Danielle shrugged.

"I just don't like the cold and the snow." Jamie said.

Kristine shook her head at the women. "But it's the most wonderful time of the year." She sang, causing Danielle to laugh.

"Why does it not surprise me that you'd say that?" Danielle smiled.

"Because it's true!" Kristine proudly stated.

"So are you two...like together?" Jamie interrupted, unable to contain her curiosity.

"No!" Danielle quickly replied while Kristine's eyes widened and a light blush crept up her neck.

"Jeez! No need to get all defensive. It was a valid question." Jamie smirked raising her hands in mock surrender.

"Well we've got other things to get done, sooo can I have my check please?" Danielle asked, wanting to get out of the store before Jamie could say something else embarrassing.

"Oooh other things, I'm afraid to ask." Jamie laughed and pulled open the drawer of her desk. She scribbled out a check and tucked it in an envelope before handing it over.

Danielle snatched it with a scowl. "Bye Jamie."

"You need help removing that stick from your ass?" Jamie called out as Danielle had started to walk away. Jamie went back to her food with a chuckle.

Kristine wasn't sure what to think of everything. She smiled politely and waved before following Danielle out. "Bye Jamie it was nice to meet you."

"You too, Kristine. See you around." Jamie replied with a mouthful.

"Hey, wait up!" Kristine called after Danielle, who was already out the door and getting into the car. "What was that all about."

"Nothing." Danielle said. "Ready?" She asked starting the car.

Kristine frowned, but buckled up and nodded. "It didn't seem like nothing."

"Please don't read into it. Jamie is a character is all. She thinks she's funny." Danielle said pulling away.

"I liked her, she seems fun." Kristine shrugged. Danielle kept her eyes on the road and stayed quiet. "You don't like her?" Kristine asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I like her just fine. We've been friends a while, but she can be annoying." Danielle responded.

"Like when she asked if we were together?" Kristine prompted. Danielle groaned in lieu of responding. She didn't want to have this conversation. Mostly because she was afraid she'd say something she would regret. "I'm sorry, am I that repulsive?" Kristine huffed. She turned her body and leaned her head against the window.

"What? No. Of course not." Danielle said, confused. She definitely didn't mean to offend the woman. Kristine stayed quiet, slipping into her own thoughts. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by that." Danielle said when Kristine didn't respond.

"It's fine. It doesn't matter." Kristine said.

"It does matter. I didn't mean to upset you." Danielle replied softly.

"I said it's fine, Danielle..where are we going anyway?" She asked, still watching out the window. Her feelings were hurt a little and she hated to admit that to herself. She wasn't sure how she felt about Danielle, other than confused. A small part of her thought Danielle had liked her, more than just friendship. It was a flattering thought, even if she wasn't sure whether how exaxtly she felt about it.

"The post office then the bank." Danielle replied. She looked out of the corner of her eye at Kristine, who gave a small nod. "For what it's worth, I think you're beautiful Kristine." She said softly.

Kristine lifted her head to look at Danielle. "Really?" She asked shyly.


"No one has ever called me that. Thank you." Kristine smiled. Her sour mood quickly changed and she sat back upright in her seat. Soon they pulled into the post office and dropped off the last box which held a few items to be shipped. From there they went to the bank. Danielle helped Kristine open her first checking account and couldn't help but smile at the woman's excitement over it. She sighed over her check from Jamie, intending for it to serve as Kristine's first deposit.

"Danielle, that's too much." Kristine said looking at the check.

"Consider it payment for the last few days and an advance for the next week." Danielle smiled handing the check to the bank teller.

"No, really it's too much."

"An advance for two weeks?" Danielle asked with a smirk. Kristine shook her head, uncomfortable accepting the money. "Look, it's going in your account whether you like it or not. Call it what you want."

"Charity? Pity?" Kristine whined.

"We've already gone over this." Danielle reminded the woman.

"But--" Kristine started.

"Too late!" Danielle smiled taking the receipt from the teller with a quick thanks and looping an arm around Kristine's waist. She steered the woman out of the bank and back towards the car, ignoring her protests. "Lets' go shopping. You need some stuff."

"Danielle, I'm not comfortable with this." Kristine tried again.

"It's not even that much money. Besides you need clothes and stuff." Danielle said and opened the car door for Kristine.

Kristine sighed and shook her head, hiding the smile. She did need some stuff, she'd left the convent with only a few outfits. And clearly there was no use arguing over the money. Danielle's mind was set. "Oh alright, but I'm paying you back at some point."

"Sure, whatever makes you happy." Danielle laughed, giving Kristine a light shove to get her in the car. She walked around to her side and drove them to the mall. They spent the rest of their time in town shopping at various stores.

By the time they returned home, Kristine had four large bags from her shopping spree. She clipped tags and organized her new things while Danielle made dinner. She reminded herself not to feel guilty, she was no longer held to a vow of poverty. She smiled when she finished putting everything away, it was different for sure, but she was starting to get used to her life outside the convent.

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