As you say

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"Hello?" I call out into the darkness, how did i get here? Where is everyone?

I hear laughter and turn around "Who's there?" It began to get brighter and brighter. I found myself stood outside a building, like a school. Kids were everwhere, each group divided yet it seemed quiet. I noticed one kid on their own and i wondered who it was.

"He's mine" A voice spoke next to me and i turned my head to see a boy next to me. He was just under six foot with sandy blonde hair and grey eyes that were looking at me, his whole figure was slim for a boy. "He's the most beautiful thing i have ever seen" He continued. I turned back to the boy to find myself in a classroom. It was empty except for the figure in the hoodie. "I wondered where that got to" The boy next to me spoke. The figures shoulders rose and fell as if sighing before lifting the hood of his head. "Luke?" I breathed. How could i not recognise him? He looked tired, lifeless. Just a shell. "I didn't mean to hurt him"

"Your Daniel" I said and the boy nodded. I had never seen any pictures of myself when i was younger and now here i was facing myself. "Yes" I watched Luke a bit longer as tears ran down his face. "I did this to him" My youger self said. "God i was so stupid. I should have known he didn't hate me" I turned to him. "What happened to us?" I asked. "Anka. While i was dying he woke up and refused to go. He put us to sleep. For two years i had to watch Luke grow up. Dave and Jess tried to help but like his mum he refused to move on. I had hoped he would move on after you woke up. But i guess that never happened" I shook my head. No, he never moved on.

Everything changed and i found myself in a bedroom, with cream coloured walls. A bed was against the window and a writers desk at the end. I recognised it as Lukes room. "My room" My younger self said before disappearing. The door flew open and Luke and myself came flying in. It looked like Luke was devouring me. He quickly tore off our shirts and spun me so i faced the door.

I watched as he bent down and ran his tongue up my spine before nipping at my neck.

"I want you" He growled "I want you so bad. I'm going to pound you so hard Daniel, make you scream for me. Make you mine" Damn is this my Luke?

The image fades and i find myself alone in the room."He rejected us the next day" My younger self returned. I remembered from the diary Leon gave me.

"She had it all planned out" He laughed. "It would have worked to if Anka hadn't been here" I frowned. "There was a rumour of an early transformation before us. A female, she had gone through it early. Of course it was true, but what no one knew is that she was our mate" What the hell? "Aiomi was to wait for us, help us awaken. But the council found out about this female and instead of seeing where it went they decided to terminate" He continued. "So Aiomi had to find someone else. She searched for the perfect person, someone stronger. And she found Luke"

"So my mate should have been female?" He shook his head "No, if that was the case she would have survived" This was too much. "Aiomi found her own blood, an ancestor of her sister. Who better to have as your mate? Your own blood came from an illegitimate child of the king. So why not have a mate with hers. "Mum?" My eyes widened and he laughed and turned his head. A man was stood there watching us before smiling and making his way over. "Hello son" My dad? He had the same hair and eyes as Amber, but looked like me.

"I'm sorry i left you" He said "But i couldn't be there. Your mother had to find Leon and you had to find the others. Our ancestors would be so proud" "Your the ancestor?" Dad nodded. "Watered down, but yes Ankas half brother was my ancestor" I shook my head. I couldn't believe it. "Aiomi knows everything as will you when you wake up" I looked at him "You're asleep at the moment. You need to know and remember" He waved his arms to the bed and we sat down. My younger self gone again. "Now first thing first. I had to die, don't feel bad about it, i would have just been in the way" I cocked my head to the side and he sighed. "Us humans don't really have soulmates, but your mother was as close as i would have gotten to having one. I always knew she wasn't mine, she had told me everything. But i would have become bitter and angry when she found Leon. The council would have found me and turned me. Everything would happen the way it did but i would have caused so much trouble for my family" Realisation hit me "You would have gone rogue" Dad smiled and nodded sadly. "The council would have used that against you. Just like Lukes dad died to save him. With his father gone, Luke learned to appreciate soulmates, for his parents had loved each other just as much" "So both our parents died so that we could be together?"

"Yes, don't be angry, we are happy that our deaths helped. We didn't die in vain. Though we damned near had a heart attack when you separated. Not an easy task when you're dead" I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"We miss you" I told him honestly. "I know son, but you forget, i will always be there" He said tapping my chest where my heart is. "Now you need to wake up, when you do your mate needs you" Luke? Was he hurt? "He still thinks you'll leave" Dad said as if reading my mind.

"Never" I whispered "I love him" Dad placed his hand on my shoulder. "Then let him know that" And with that my eyes closed.


"Urgh" I moaned as brightness invaded my sight. I slowly blinked until i adjusted to the light. I sat up slowly and looked around. Light blue walls and very little furniture. I knew without looking the carpet would be dark blue. This was my room at my mums. "Damn that was something else" I muttered to myself. My head turned to the door to see two little heads peak inside. "Uncle Danny" The two boys screamed "Uncle Danny's awake" They came running into the room. I heard footsteps running up the stairs towards my room, except for one who turned of and went into another room. My family soon entered and ushered the two reluctant boys out.

"How are you feeling?" My mum asked sitting on the edge of my bed. "Good" I said, my voice croaky. Mum handed me a glass of water which i gulped down. "What happened?" I asked looking around. "You passed out while we were at the council chambers" Leon spoke up. "Passed out? Why?" No one answered. "Luke said you were remembering" Mum finally broke the silence.

"Luke?" I whispered looking around to find he wasn't here. I threw the duvet off me and climbed of the bed. I nearly hit the ground when i stood up and Leon grabbed me. "Woah there, you've been out a week" A week? I didn't have time to think about t as i made my way to the door. Thankfully by then i had gotten my legs back and i ran through the house until i caught his scent in a spare room. Throwing the door open i found Luke lying on his back, tears running down his face. "You remember" He whispered his eyes never leaving the ceiling. "Yes" I confirmed. Luke sighed and closed his eyes. "I am so sorry" I shook my head though i knew he couldn't see. "I saw my father" I told him. "He told me everything i needed to know. Only there was one thing he didn't tell me and only you can answer" I had made my way over to the bed. Lukes eyes opened questioningly. "Will you marry me?" His eyes widened in shock. "What?" He whispered making me grin. "Well it's been legalised in britain now so why not?" "But i hurt you" I shrugged "I cheated on you for the last five years" "I made you kill yourself" "You brought me back to life" Luke sighed. I sat on the bed and leaned over him placing my hands by his head. "Are you saying no to marriage?" I asked still grinning making him laugh. "No, I'll marry you" He said. I laughed and picked him up kissing him passionately. "I love you" I told him "I love you too" Throwing him on my back i ran downstairs where i knew the others were. "WE'RE GETTING MARRIED" I shouted as i burst through the kitchen door placing Luke on his feet and keeping him in my arms.

Everyone jumped up to congratulate us as Luke buried his head in my chest. I chuckled and lifted his chin to look at me. "We are gettig married as soon as we can. I won't let you change your mind. You're stuck with me forever baby" Luke gave me a dazzling smile and peck my lips. "As you say" He agreed.

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