Telling Michelle

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"I HATE YOU" I screamed, "AND I WISH I COULD HATE YOU" He screamed back. Who? Who wants to hate me? So dark, i can't see. "Kiss me please" The voice begged, i want to, who are you? "What have you done to me?" I wish i knew "I wanna pound you so hard"

Oh god please. Who are you? Where are you?


I woke up to the sun shining through the window and a smile on my face. Stretching out i rolled onto my side and instantly a smell hit me.

Last night flooded through my mind and i sat up and looked around, i was alone in bed. I jumped out of bed and threw my sweats on before leaving the room. Looking around the flat Daniel was no where to be found, i shook my head and chucked. How many times had i done the same to him? Sighing i decided to get ready, i had to go in and find out what was going to happen now.

Walking into the bathroom something caught my attention and i turned to face the mirror and looked at my neck. As well as the two raised marks two more had joined them and i realised that Daniel had actually bitten me last night. I couldn't help but smile as i fingered the marks, surely he wouldn't have done that if last night ment nothing right? Feeling better i jumped in the shower, getting ready for the day.

It was as i was getting dressed Ambers words rang in my head. Was i being selfish? I loved Daniel and knew he would be better off with someone else. But i didn't want him with anyone but me, damn i didn't know what to think.

I decided maybe it was time to have a talk with Daniel, since finding out that he was alive things had gone fast and we needed to slow down. Though something told me that it was a bit late. But we could at least talk and see where we go from here. I wasn't even going to entertain the idea of leaving, something told me Daniel wouldn't let me.


Arriving at the office my mood had soured a little, i hadn't realised how sore i was until i hit that damn pot hole. Now my ass was throbbing, thankfully i had some pain killers in my desk. Walking in Michelle was coming out of her office looking flustered.

"Lucas, thank god you are here. Finally someone can tell me what the hell is going on" She said grabbing my arm and dragging me into the kitchenette. I watched as she made us a coffee. "Now" she said handing me my mug "What is this with Every?" She demanded.

I proceeded to tell her about going through Everys financial report and what we had found, Michelles eyes widened the more she heard.

"So he's been swindling the company for seven years?" She asked when i finished, i nodded my head. "God knows what else he has done in the years previous, Mr Knight has contacted the last company he worked for and got them to check their records" Michelle shook her head. "Damn i miss all the fun" She complained, as if on queue shouting could be heard from the office. Placing our mugs down we went to see what was going on.

"How dare you interfere in my life, who the hell do you think you are" Daniels voice boomed. The other person must of answered calmly as we never heard anything. "For the best? Have you any idea what you put him through? Us through? Luke is mine"

My eyes widened and without thinking i burst into the office to be faced with a calm looking Amber and a furious Daniel.

"Is everything alright?" I asked walking over to Daniel. Neither of them said anything. "Amber was just leaving" Daniel finally said. Amber glared at us. "He doesn't deserve you Danny, if you knew what he did to you" "I don't care" he bit out.

That's what this was about? Me.

"Enough, both of you" I barked and Daniel pulled me to him and i turned my glare on Amber.

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