... And for whatever else was going on

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We stood in the centre of the large round room the other councillors looking down at us in disgust. "Why are you doing this?" Daniel screamed, they had seperated us. Two guards stood either side of him as he was chained to the floor on his knees. One guard stood behind me, holding me. I was just a human, no threat to them. If only they knew the truth.

"We cannot allow this mating, it is unnatural" A young woman said, i couldn't see her face because of the dark blue cloak.

"So what if she is human? She is my mate" She? I looked down and yep, i was female. We had mated last night and the others did not like it" Humans cannot be allowed in our world unless we feed from them" Those humans never survived. My body was burning and i was sweating, even the guard who had me in an iron grip could feel me shiver. Closing my eyes i began to chant in my head, we would not survive but we will return.

I knew there was not much time and i surprised my guard by breaking free and running to my mate. "I love you" I told him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Aomi, i am sorry" He whispered to me. "Shh my love, they think me only human. They will know the truth and you will take your place when it is time" The guard dragged me back away from him and the counciler spoke. "Your father would be ashamed of you Anka, the punishment is death" Anka screamed at them to let me live, but our fates were sealed.

"You may take our lives, but remember this, with our deaths your souls become eternal, bound to your mates and this council forever. And when the time comes Anka will return to his place" I warned them, they laughed at me believing i was crazy. I felt my gums ache and knew i was turning, my own vampire soul replacing my human one. Without warning i clamped my new fangs into my gaurds arms. He released me with a yell and i ran to my love. "These words are true and our death begins the prophecy when the strong become weak and the timid rises we will return" And with that i ended our first life.



"So your saying that you and Daniel are the two that died?" I smiled, Leon was always asking questions and studying. He would be an excellent researcher. "Yes and the curse that Aiomi placed on the council remains" I told him "But how does that work?" Issac asked this time. I turned and faced him and his sister "There was a couple called Brock and Burn. If Sandra was to take Burns place and her mate Brocks then when they had taken their places on the council then a transfer or souls would begin. Sandra would become Burn and the one she replaced would have her soul" "Wait you talk as if our souls are seperate from us" Leon seemed puzzled. "A werewolf has the soul of a wolf and the body of a human, we are the same. It is our souls that allow us to live our bodies allow us access to the world"

"You said that this was not on record?" Leon said "No, Anka was more than just council, he was important. All records of him and his lineage was destroyed centuries ago and Aomi was just a human, well actually she was a witch, but they didn't know that. Humans were always just food, we killed them as we fed" I turned to Sandra "You haven't found the other councillors" It wasn't a question, she frowned "Yes we have, all of them" I smiled and shook my head. "Decoys, we must protect them but they are not the true council" This made them all frown. "Look, i don't know for sure if i'm rigt but the last council haven't claimed there souls only you can pass it to the new council" "Problem with that, my mate is dead" Sandra pointed out "So was Ivors yet he is with her now" I pointed out "The souls have returned"

A knock on my door halted all conversation "Humans" Issac mouthed, i frowned and went to open the door to get rid of whoever it was.

No sooner had i turned the handle then door burst open and two pairs of arms wrapped around my legs "UNCLE LUKE" I laughed at the two little boys. "They wanted to see you" I looked up and smiled at Jess. She looked behind me and realised i had company. "Oh i'm sorry, i didn't realise you had company" I was torn, i wanted to see her and the kids, but there were the problems we had. "It's ok, we only came round for a cuppa" Catherine said. "Come on and meet the rest" I said opening the door. Jess smiled then her face turned into a scowl and i turned to see she was eyeing Karen. "Jess it's ok, she's friends with Daniel" Jess turned to me "After what she did" "It was a mistake, she thought she was protecting Daniel" Jess turned her scowl to Karen "Up to you if you believe it or not, but it's the truth" Karen shrugged. I sighed and grabbed her hand. "Amber, Daniels sister, Catherine his mum, Leon his step dad. Issac and Sandra friends of Daniels" Jess frowned "Issac?" She looked at me and i could have groaned "Yeah him" I sighed. "And you're ok with that?" "Jess i told you what happened. We have decided to try again" She eyed me skepticaly "Are you sure?"Daniel stood up and came over. "Hello again Jess" He greeted, Jess just glared at him. "Luke has told me everything, even about you" Jess just continued staring. "Jess everything, what i did to him, why he tried to kill himself. I hurt him and his family tried to protect him from me. Please understand we both have regrets" Jess just sighed. "Fine" She grumbled as two little bodies ran behind her. I knelt down to see them. "Hey guys, what's the matter?" Ashley the eldest pointed to Sandra and Aaron pointed to Issac. "Pretty" They whispered and i turned to look at the siblings, they stood there with inshed tears in their eyes amd i couldn't help but smile. "Your toys are in my room, ask them if they will help you get them" I suggested, they looked at the other siblings then back to me. "It's ok, they like to play too" This caused the boys to smile and they ran up to the siblings grabbed their hands and dragged them into my room "Well i never" Jess gasped. My smile widened "I guess being pretty does have it's advantages" I laughed. Jess just smiled "It is nice to see them smiling abound people, i guess you're not their favourite anymore" I just shrugged "As long as they are happy" Jes nodded. "Oh, by the way, guess who turned up at the hospital last night?" I frowned and shook my head. "Lee" "Wait Lee from school?" Jess nodded. "How is he?"

We had fallen out after i thought Daniel had died, turned out he was really a homophobe and i came clean about myself. Jess shrugged "Not too good by the looks of it, Luke he's staying at ours. His parents, well it turns out they were horrid people. He ran away, damn it Luke his body was bad" Worry ran through me, yeah we stopped talking, but we had been friends for years.

"So he's at yours now?" I asked, Jess shook her head "No he has to stay at the hospital for another week. He came in after being attacked, i was called in to deal with some homeless guy who wasn't talking and they needed to find out what happened. When he saw me he broke down and told me everything. He misses you and Dave" Me? Why would he miss me?

'Who do your friends remind you of?' Aomi asked me and i frowned 'Not all were against us, they too have been sleeping. Only the council know about the council, the old council forget' So why do Issac, sandra and the others know? 'They were witig for us, they did not know this. The councils souls will awaken and Anka will take his place. All for Anka' What about us? 'Only for Anka will we do this. Do not worry you will still be Luke, he will still be Daniel'

I could feel a headache coming on, 'We will succeed, this is for Anka, we cannot fail' I mentally nodded, for Anka and for whatever else was going on.

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