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Author's POV

(Y/N)'s mind couldn't help but race from this morning's threat. She couldn't get herself into trouble with the captain. As if Lieutenant Anderson wasn't scary and grumpy enough! Fortunately though, Connor was able to make a bargain with Gavin.


"Hold on Detective Reed," Connor called as he pulled (Y/N) close behind him, adjusting his tie professionally. "Maybe we could come to an agreement."

"Oh-ho-ho, something in return for a juicy secret? " The Detective tapped his chin, in a thinking manner as he darted his eyes up towards the ceiling, and a sly smirk following not long after. "I don't know Tin Can, what do you think you can offer?" Gavin looked at Connor with the utmost cockiness evident on his facial features.

Connor hesitated to speak at first. Which was quite different. But he opened his mouth nonetheless, coming up with quick words to reply with. "What do you want, Detective Reed?"

A deep-throated chuckle erupted from Gavin, then he looked at Hank with a thumb pointed back at Connor, then back at the determined android. "Alright then, I'll keep my mouth shut if you take my cases." He straightened himself up and crossed his arms. "I have five cases, but I've already managed the other 2. The last 3 are up to you. " Gavin lifts up one finger in a counting motion. "First case is a homicide. A human-human homicide. A husband by the name of Christian Church, killed his wife -Athena Church- because she cheated on him during their anniversary. The man she cheated with, named Jonathan Whisp, was able to leave with no fatal injury from the angered husband. " The detective finished as he turned his back on towards the group of three. "I'll give you phckers information of the other two cases as soon as you finish the first one. This only works if Connor doesn't go deviant trying to protect the girl, or maybe.. " He paused and laughed through his nose before continuing. "Fall inlove with her. Good luck dipshits." And with the final wave of his backhand, he left to his bullpen.

The three were left dumbfounded. Hank was scratching the back of his head, trying to comprehend what the hell just happened. Connor was stiff and tense, but not so noticeably. And (Y/N), she was the most disturbed. This basically meant that if Connor goes deviant in doing one of Gavin's three stupid ass cases, he'll be taken back to CyberLife and destroyed, and she'll be destroyed along with him. What she was worried about most was Hank. What if he gets stripped off his title as Lieutenant, earns no more money, and dies unnoticably in his house? She couldn't let that happen.

So she concocted a plan...

Flashback End

First thing's first. She had to keep her distance from Connor as much as she could. She'll reassure him and Hank that she'd be doing minor work on the sidelines and tell them of anything new. Next, she had to keep a cold expression on herself, and a cold personality towards Connor so he doesn't get any ideas. Lastly, she has to.. Do everything Hank or Connor says to gain their trust and have them less worried about things.

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