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Your POV

"I'm gonna ask you one thing, Lou-" My voice trembled as I glare at the deviant who basically stole the happiness away from my two brother-figures. I held back the urge to spill some tears, because it might make things harder for me to progress into this interrogation, and might make me seem weaker than I already am due to the past... Events. "What did you make Katelyn believe your one-sided trust? "

Silence. Again.

I slam my hands down in frustration. Ever since I got here five minutes ago, he hasn't been saying a thing. He's only been twitching under Connor 's grip, and muttering gibberish to himself. My LED immediately turned red, it was probably noticeable now, but I was too frustrated to care. "YOU BETTER OPEN YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH, BEFORE I RIP YOUR BIOCOMPONENT OUT AND WATCH YOU DIE A SLOW DEATH, REALIZING THAT YOUR SELFISH ACTIONS CAUSED ONLY NOT YOUR LIFE, BUT AN INNOCENT WOMAN'S LIFE AS WELL! " I sit back down, kind of surprised of myself. That's new. What's this called?

System Overheating...

Activating automatic cooling fan...

Overheating neutralized...

Much better. Now, I was a bit more calm. I believe that's what was known as rage. It was quite the similar feeling I had when...

'Never mind. '

Lou stares at me with dead and lifeless eyes. He was tearing up, and his bottom lip was trembling. His hair was messy from shuffling around in Connie's grip, and his neck was most likely slightly dented now.

"..Please, Katelyn needs me. " He begs. His personality changes so quickly, and it's irritating.

"What? Are you having split-personalities now? "

"..I'm just scared, I swear. Please, I'll tell you anything, just let us go-"

"Sorry Lou," Connor let go of his grip on Lou and stood just a few feet away from him at the side of the table. "But as I said before, a deviant-human relationship must be separated. You brought this upon yourselves. " He crossed his arms over one another and nodded at me to keep questioning him.

"Let's try this again-"


With one hard hit on the head, Lou's damaged face and forehead remained on the surface of the table. The blue blood was dripping, and he shown no sign of life.

"Shit. " Connor cursed as he looked at me, and seemed to notice the mixture of rage and sadness in my eyes. His expression softens as he places a hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner. "It wasn't your fault. He was too stubborn to begin with, we'll just have to interrogate the girl instead. "

Shivers ran down my artificial spine as I remembered who we were dealing with. Katelyn Barns.


"Katelyn Barns. " Adam said. "me and my family decided to drive to a park, just to get some fresh air- "

"-and I was playing with Cecily. "

"I saw a St. Bernard and ran over to hug it. It ran away, and I had to chase it. "

"-Then it almost ran over me and my sister. "

"But luckily, Katelyn stopped what turned out to be her dog. I apologized to both her and Cody, and we kinda just went on from there. " Adam finished and Cody was chuckling when remembering the good old days. They were childhood friends because of this girl.

Flashback End

'Because of Katelyn.. '

I looked down at my feet and nod weakly. The both of us soon leave the room where Lou had basically killed himself in, and make it to the others. As we walked to the door, Connor stopped midway. Out of curiosity I looked back at him with a raised brow.

"Everything alright? " I ask him, his LED glows yellow, but quickly reverts back to blue.

"You seem on edge, (Y/N). And I know it's not because of the recent death of the deviant. " He walks up to me, and I instinctively walk back. He quickly pins me to a wall, holding his arms up to each side of my head, I could escape through the bottom, but what good would it do? We're isolated in a tight hallway!

"..Connor? " I breathe his name out in slight fear. Of course, why wouldn't I be scared? He has the power to kill me if he wanted to, just like how he did with..

"Katelyn Barns. " He paused. "Has she visited your club back when you before you deviated? And if so, are you so worried that we'll kill her too? " Damn, am I that obvious? I release a sigh of defeat and look him dead in the eye.

"No, she's never entered the floor of our club. But Katelyn is a girl I've heard about back before all this. And although she lacked the ability to react to a lot of things, she sounded like a good friend. I'm just.. Upset, that she was involved in something like this. " I pushed an arm of his away before looking at my hand. I let the fake skin fade away, to reveal the real material underneath. "Human emotions are so difficult to understand, " I look back at Connor and shrug. "Maybe that's why she refused to show any of it. "

The deviant Hunter was silent after that, but we continued our way back to the other room where the two men waited for us. Connor opened the door, and allowed me to walk in first. Gavin was still on the floor, and Hank had his attention fixed on me and Connor.

"Well that was a fuck up. " He said disappointingly. Then, the old man stood up and stood in front of us.

"We'll interrogate the girl tomorrow, for now- we'll head home. "

"Home?" That felt wrong to say. Because the only home I knew were back with Adam and Cody...

"Yeah, or do you want to sleep outside? "

"I don't really need sleep, Hank. " I remind him. Careful enough not to grab Gavin's attention. "But I enjoy the feeling of not doing anything for a certain amount of time. " I quickly blurt out. 

"Well, there's no extra room back at my place, why don't I help you rent out an apartment for the meantime? " He smiled at me. And that caught me off guard. Not the smile, the freedom to be alone.

"A.. Apartment? " I repeated. Fiddling with my fingers as I bow my head a little.

"You deserve it kid, and you're helping us after all. We gotta do something in return, right? " He said a bit too nicely.

"What's the catch? " I straighten up.

"Nothing. Promise. " He looked at his shoes as if in guilt then back up to me.

"Is Anderson actually being nice?" Gavin crossed his arms as he stood up and stood behind Hank, I was about to approach him for interrupting this moment but Hank beat me to it. He punched Reed square in the face, and his body collapsed to the floor.

"Jesus Christ this guy. " Hank muttered. He walked past me and Connor and waved a hand forward, signalling for us to follow him. "Come on, we gotta find you a nearby apartment to settle down in."

(Salutations! Enjoying so far? Give me a follow and I'll update you about the book!)

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